Conflict Master Password and site login forms

    Not that it’s a direct post, but rather just a note for himself as a web developer and a wish for others.

    Recently, it has become very popular to do login forms on sites as a pop-up or a traveling panel.
    In this case, the form itself is hidden on the page before activation, but FF (in other browsers I have not tried it) finds it and if the password is saved for the site, it asks for Master Password.
    On sites where you mostly use open content and a login, this is rarely very annoying, because each page opening causes a password request.

    In this regard, there is a desire that the hidden form should not be displayed on the page before the display or that the password field should be changed so that the browser does not find it. Perhaps there will be a problem of subsequent auto-filling, but I think it is solved.

    I think this is more of a browser bug than a site.
    While writing, I remembered that many sites have open mini login forms on each page, so this is not only a problem of hidden forms.

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