Also a startup: The first Internet show in Ukraine
We launched an unusual project aimed at creative people and everyone who likes to look at them. The project is called the Vaismann Improvisation Club.
The Vaismann Improvisation Club is an online show. It is almost the same as a TV show, only broadcast exclusively on the Internet. In addition, instead of stars popular in zombies, we invite people who are popular on the Internet as guests. For example, Vladimir Gorokhov took an active part in the last meeting and shooting the pilot program . Well, and most importantly, this is a show without plywood and script. All the topics of jokes and skits are invented by the guests right in the course of the meeting, all the musical noise is provided by the “live” jazz band Shabanoff Syndicate. Therefore, perhaps the show is not glossy, but it is extremely real.
We are only a month and one week old, but, on the scale of Odessa, where the show started, the results are obvious. A street poll showed 23% of the Club’s knowledge; our residents visited the air of the most popular Odessa radio station, Just Radio , on the air of the ATV channel . The satellite channel Real Estate shot a program about the Club and put it on the air. Event sites and city newspapers are constantly writing about us.
Most of all, the project did a “rustle” on VKontakte. In our group a little more than 250 participants gathered for the month, the number of views of videos and photos from meetings is estimated in the thousands.
Of course, a month is nothing for the project. In the near future - to improve the filming conditions, to establish a live webcast from the meetingswith blackjack and whores . The opinion of the habrasociety regarding the idea itself is interesting. We also really need practical advice - what to improve, whom to invite for a visit (we pay for travel and accommodation), how to set up a broadcast on the Internet, etc.
Pilot version of the program “Vaismann Improvisation Club”:
Part I:
Second part:
The 8 best, in our opinion, humorous and musical fragments shot at Club meetings.
How to survive a black man in Odessa?
Good Uncle Surgeon (pantomime)
Alien and Carlson in the
Wahtersha minibus at the men's strip club
Shamanic buzzing
Hu la la la
Marketer sings rock and roll
! Circus + Shabanoff Syndicate: Cyclists
The project has a primitive site that hosts all the videos and announcements in a row.
The Vaismann Improvisation Club is an online show. It is almost the same as a TV show, only broadcast exclusively on the Internet. In addition, instead of stars popular in zombies, we invite people who are popular on the Internet as guests. For example, Vladimir Gorokhov took an active part in the last meeting and shooting the pilot program . Well, and most importantly, this is a show without plywood and script. All the topics of jokes and skits are invented by the guests right in the course of the meeting, all the musical noise is provided by the “live” jazz band Shabanoff Syndicate. Therefore, perhaps the show is not glossy, but it is extremely real.
We are only a month and one week old, but, on the scale of Odessa, where the show started, the results are obvious. A street poll showed 23% of the Club’s knowledge; our residents visited the air of the most popular Odessa radio station, Just Radio , on the air of the ATV channel . The satellite channel Real Estate shot a program about the Club and put it on the air. Event sites and city newspapers are constantly writing about us.
Most of all, the project did a “rustle” on VKontakte. In our group a little more than 250 participants gathered for the month, the number of views of videos and photos from meetings is estimated in the thousands.
Of course, a month is nothing for the project. In the near future - to improve the filming conditions, to establish a live webcast from the meetings
Bonus Track:
Pilot version of the program “Vaismann Improvisation Club”:
Part I:
Second part:
The 8 best, in our opinion, humorous and musical fragments shot at Club meetings.
How to survive a black man in Odessa?
Good Uncle Surgeon (pantomime)
Alien and Carlson in the
Wahtersha minibus at the men's strip club
Shamanic buzzing
Hu la la la
Marketer sings rock and roll
! Circus + Shabanoff Syndicate: Cyclists
The project has a primitive site that hosts all the videos and announcements in a row.