Base IP mobile operators

    A little about who and why?

    Those who work in the field of mobile Internet often need a base of IP ranges for mobile operators.
    It so happened that this information is not so easy to find in free access.
    For those who have enough country breakdowns, as an option, you can use the maxmind database. There is also a free option. But mobile networks there are poorly covered.

    In general, to the point.

    The site prokontent collects a base of mobile ip under his wing and uploads it here:
    But try someone to use it for business and immediately all the inconvenience pops up. There is no clear breakdown by country, and the country is not indicated for all ranges, there is no export to at least some format suitable for normal processing.
    So, a parser was written that would “comb” this uncomfortable set and give it in the correct form.
    You can take it here: - csv version of - csv, but ip in numerical form - as an array to copy to the script immediately. - similar to - another option proposed by Nc_Soft

    If someone comes in handy, I will be glad.
    Thank you for your attention =)

    UPD: transferred to a thematic blog, thanks for the thrown karma :-)
    UPD2 : added two more output options.
    UPD3 : another version of the database from another source.

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