Consumer Expert Social Network

    Our mobile marketing agency (SMS mailing) is constantly faced with a lack of constructive communication between consumers and suppliers of goods and services. Perhaps this is some kind of regional feature, but it is difficult for a very simple layman to make purchases without visiting the point of sale directly and further the risk of acquiring a low-quality product or service, etc. And suppliers do not see their buyer. That’s why I’m trying to possibly crookedly present to the court some expert, consumer network where:
    Users on their pages can choose and record their favorite brands and preferences for:
    1. Direct contact with suppliers of goods and services of the region. Meet the assortment and review comments. Getting information from companies.
    2. Receiving or generating a barcode on the phone on the electronic discount page. (another story than an infinite number of plastic discounts).
    3. Communication on various topics, goods, services, etc. Information exchange.
    4. The ability to leave wishes in comments or blogs wishes to purchase a service and a description of its quality.
    5. Receive remuneration for ideas of sales, organization of actions and projects, customer acquisition.

    1. Companies in the region have pages with a brief description and a link to the main site with the possibility of placing a product catalog on their page.
    2. Visitors can recommend the list of goods that they use, the name serves as a link to catalogs.
    3. Surveys. Ratings Promotions to attract attention through word of mouth.

    Additional programs for visitors.
    Economy. A cost meter and the publication of some articles, such as “utility costs,” to discuss options for saving or improving quality.

    A family. Bonus program to attract friends and relatives to active participation in the network.
    Ability to export notebooks from any phone.

    Ideas. Any ideas for improving the quality of the provision of goods and services. Competition applications with a prize fund from companies.
    We will be grateful for the comments, because all the technologies indicated above exist for a long time and work, but a huge number of non-advanced users do not even know about them.
    The issue of promotion, this is another question ...

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