Install and configure SVN, Apache, Trac for Windows. Part 1 - SVN


    - Preparation for installation (see below)
    - Installation:
    - Complete installation

    Preparation for installation

    You will need

    1. Apache 2.0.63 web server
    2. version control system Subversion 1.5.2 (SVN)
    3. Windows SVN Client TortoiseSVN 1.5.3
    4. project management and bug tracking system Trac 0.11.1
    Create the directory C: \ usr \ local \ here we will install. Download the following files:
    1. Subversion 1.5.2 ~ CollabNet Subversion Command-Line Client v1.6.12 (for Windows) (registration required)
    2. TortoiseSVN 1.5.3 ~ TortoiseSVN-1.6
    3. Apache 2.0.63 ~ apache_2.0.63-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.7m.msi
    4. Python 2.5 ~ python-2.5.msi
    5. Python SetupTools ~ setuptools-0.6c7.win32-py2.5.exe
    6. mod_python 3.3.1 ~ mod_python-3.3.1.win32-py2.5-Apache2.0.exe
    7. SQLite 2.4.0 ~ pysqlite-2.4.0.win32-py2.5.exe
    8. SVN 1.5.2 Python Bindings ~ svn-python-1.5.2.win32-py2.5.exe
    9. Genshi 0.5.1 ~ Genshi-0.5.1.win32-py2.5.exe
    10. Trac 0.11.1 ~ Trac-0.11.1.win32.exe


    Install Subversion

    1. run Setup-Subversion-1.5.2.en-us.msi
    2. choose Binding for Apache 2.0.x
      Install SVN
    3. specify the installation directory
      C: \ usr \ local \ Subversion

      Installing SVN in a directory
    4. Wait until the installation is complete.

    Install the TortoiseSVN Client

    1. we start TortoiseSVN-
    2. during installation, leave all values ​​as they are
    3. Wait until the installation is complete and restart the computer.

    Create storage

    I prefer to store data on a different logical drive, and even better on a different hardware drive. In this case, all the storages are stored in the D: \ repos \ directory
    1. create the directory D: \ repos \
    2. go to the created directory and create two subdirectories:
      • store1
      • store2
    3. make two storages
      • right click on store1 , select TotrtoiseSVN from the menu -> Create repository here
        Create SVN repository
      • repeat the same steps for store2
      • now you have two storages SVN store1 and store2

    Next to: Part 2 - Apache and SVN ...

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