
    Funny fly, isn't it? On the other hand, what's so funny? Normal pixel fly. But this post would not be here if everything was so simple. This representative of the Diptera squad was created using a notebook and a programming language created specifically for the purpose of pixel animation and its scoring. And so meet:
    Table of contents:

    Pixilang is a pixel-oriented programming language developed in 2006 by Alexander Zolotov and Mikhail Razuvaev. It is clear from the definition that the distinctive feature of this language is the pixel orientation! What is it expressed in? And in constructions like this:
    o = # ffcc00
    logo = "
    .o ... ooo ... o.
    ..o..oo.o ..
    ... ooooooo ...
    ... ooooooo ...
    oo ......... oo
    .o ... ooo ... o.
    ..o..oo.o ..
    ... ooo.ooo ...
    ... ooooooo ...
    oo ......... oo

    This design creates an animated image with a size of 13x7 pixels (namely, points that will later be converted to pixels based on scale) containing 2 frames. Looking at this example, one can indeed argue for pixel orientation. If you try, then in the end you can get this:

    Pixilang 1.4 Release

    In early February, a new release of version 1.4 was introduced. Here is the list of changes:
    • fixed bug with lost key code;
    • fixed a bug with incorrect processing of the negative parameter "pixel size" in the pixi () command;
    • fixed bug with alpha channel in 8/16 bit modes;
    • fixed bug with incorrect timer processing in Linux;
    • fixed bug of incorrect export to GIF;
    • in the print () command it is now possible to write "$$" in order to display the symbol "$";
    • Pixilang core component license changed to BSD;
    • added support for music files in the SunVox format (the SunVox editor is under development and will be released soon);
    • Linux and PalmOS versions are compiled using GCC 4.2.2; WindowsCE - GCC 4.1.0;
    • improved ARM bootloader for PalmOS;
    • fixed bug with missing sound (after turning off the PDA) under WindowsCE.

    Pixilang Compo 64

    Moreover. Pixilang lives an active social life, has a LiveJournal community and runs a Pixilang Compo 64 contest, designed to select the most impressive program written in Pixilang. Read more about the contest on the contest page .


    Published at the request of pixilang , so all questions, suggestions, messages, etc. direct him.

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