Does AOL hit alternative customers again?

    I did not find any intelligible information anywhere. Everywhere only “probably”, “maybe”. Maybe I’ve looked badly, I don’t know.
    So here. The following is written on the website of the rat (
    What the hell is going on with the number?
    Most likely, the following happened - now it will be impossible to add contacts to the contact list without authorization in alternative clients (including R&Q with a server contact list (SKL)). Alternative customers have lost a major advantage over official customers.

    Those. Now all unauthorized contacts will be displayed offline.

    Yesterday, two of my friends had half of the contact list offline. I am fine.
    Maybe someone knows the details or something else?

    I want to say that they are awesome :-) These hundreds of contacts will need to be authorized. Two have already transplanted to jabber. How can you not arrange a holivar when you are forced to use your own poor client ... For the heap, you can recall the changes in the protocol, as a result of which the incoming traffic from offline messages increased.

    Or maybe I'm wrong? Do you need authorization, does it have its own tasks?

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