ReactOS Released
Yesterday , a new alpha version of the free and free ReactOS 0.3.3 OS was released, compatible with applications and drivers of Windows NT and Windows 2000.
In the new release, most of the core modules of the system kernel became compatible with NT5, which positively affected stability and compatibility with Win32 applications . Thus, this version of ReactOS has become much more stable than previous releases, so now the OS can be installed not on virtual machines, but on very real hardware. True, in ReactOS 0.3.3 there is still no support for USB, SATA and NTFS FS.
In addition, now using the utility for downloading programs (or simply the “ReactOS package manager”) you can download and install a set of different programs with one click of the mouse, both free and paid. Standard applications, like the control panel applets, were improved and improved.

You can see all the changes in the project Wiki , and download the OS distribution on the download page .
In the new release, most of the core modules of the system kernel became compatible with NT5, which positively affected stability and compatibility with Win32 applications . Thus, this version of ReactOS has become much more stable than previous releases, so now the OS can be installed not on virtual machines, but on very real hardware. True, in ReactOS 0.3.3 there is still no support for USB, SATA and NTFS FS.
In addition, now using the utility for downloading programs (or simply the “ReactOS package manager”) you can download and install a set of different programs with one click of the mouse, both free and paid. Standard applications, like the control panel applets, were improved and improved.

You can see all the changes in the project Wiki , and download the OS distribution on the download page .