Habr, karma and practical cybernetics

    Based on the topics ( here and there ), reading a reaction to a change in the algorithm for calculating karma, an unexpected thought came: what an interesting experiment it turned out.
    Self-organizing system (Habr) - was unbalanced (the previous habitual distribution of karma), by external influence (by changing the order of calculation of karma and a general decrease in its level). The system reacted by the desire to restore the lost balance (the habra-users began to actively ply each other in order to get as close as possible to the old, familiar values ​​of karma).
    Habr behaves as a kind of single artificial organism - Homeostat
    A homeostat is a self-organizing system that simulates the ability of living organisms to maintain certain values ​​(for example, body temperature) within physiologically acceptable limits.
    The homeostat has the ability to self-organize , that is, it can to a certain extent learn and adapt its behavioral forms to stable equilibrium with the environment with some randomness in the internal structure.

    Homeostatic systems have the following properties:
    • System instability: tests how it is better to adapt.
    Striving for balance: the entire internal, structural and functional organization of systems contributes to maintaining balance.
    • Unpredictability: the resulting effect of a particular action can often differ from what was expected.

    When a change in variables occurs, there are two main types of feedback, or feedback, that the system responds to:
    1. Negative feedback, expressed in the reaction in which the system responds in such a way as to reverse the direction of change. Since the feedback serves to maintain the constancy of the system, this allows you to observe homeostasis.
    o For example, when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the human body increases, a signal comes in light to increase their activity and exhale more carbon dioxide.
    o Thermoregulation is another example of negative feedback. When body temperature rises (or drops), thermoreceptors in the skin and hypothalamus register a change, causing a signal from the brain. This signal, in turn, causes a response - a decrease in temperature.
    And read on here

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