Web 2.0 style online dating

    The online dating industry also does not stand still, intensively remaking itself in the style of Web 2.0. At the same time, dozens of new generation sites appear.

    Online dating is a pretty significant business. For example, in the USA, the daily audience of dating sites is estimated at 4 million people, and the monthly audience at 25 million, that is 15% of Internet users. According to statistics from ComScore, these sites generate a total of about 4.5 billion hits per month. And this is not counting MySpace, which formally belongs to another category.

    This market has its own leaders - Yahoo Personals and Match.com, whose total audience is 9.3 million people per month. Both of these sites require payment to access someone else's personal information ($ 30 and $ 25 per month, respectively).

    Recently, however, a number of Web 2.0 generation services have appeared on the Internet that are trying to compete with leaders. Among them, even Google is represented with its universal Google Base system. The TechCrunch blog recently published a review of next-generation dating sites . It is quite curious to see how these developments differ from their predecessors. We have compiled a list of those sites that differ from a technological point of view.

    For example, the Consumating dating site is based on the widespread use of tags . Another interesting thing is widgets. Through them organized the export of information. The RSS feeds automatically receive the latest information about new characters on the dating site if they meet the criteria (by tags or by place of residence). Engage

    service uses viral marketing in its activities, which is reflected in its name. Some users (the so-called "pimps") register their acquaintances on the site, while other users view information and may ask to introduce someone from the described comrades. Dating on Google is organized through the universal database Google Base, in which you can enter information about anything, including people

    . Tags are also used here, and each user gets an anonymous "one-time" email address. About the same ideology of the "global database" will be in the new Wikia Personals service , which is just starting to be created.

    On the GreatBoyFriends website, each member’s dossier is accompanied by recommendations from his former partners: from his ex-wife, girlfriends and friends.

    One of the newest web 2.0 dating services - MatchActivity. This site is completely different from all of the above, because it is not based on a dating search, but on a search for “activity” about the given coordinates. “Activity” means drinking together, going to the cinema, a romantic dinner, sex, the beach, etc. Tags, user ratings and recommendations are supported. MatchTag service is based on approximately the same principle .

    The main idea of Poddater is video dating . Each shoots a commercial about himself and uploads it to a page with his profile. It is very nice to sit back in a chair and watch videos of hundreds of other girls, choosing to your liking.

    Almost every new generation dating service has its own highlight. For example, on the website RateOrDateYou can see who is with whom he met, and to assess how they fit together, and the service VerbDate integrated fotoobmennoy Flickr service interface. To break out into the leader in the face of fierce competition, you must necessarily come up with something original.

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