5 to 7 and a bucket of coffee

    How many times a week do you hear the words “I want to sleep” and “I can’t wake up” from home and colleagues? How often in the mornings you groan “Well, would you still have an hour!” Or “When is the pension already?”

    Problems related to sleep in one way or another are discussed on TV and YouTube, on forums and in public. They also talk about this in our Plarium Krasnodar. Although the morning queue for coffee machines replaces thousands of words.

    We decided to conduct a mini-study and tell you how things are going with sleep in igrodelov. Also under the cut you will find a squeeze from a lecture that was prepared by one of our employees: what you need to get enough sleep, an ambulance for lack of sleep and other tips.

    Normally, only a third

    The topic is really burning. 330 employees responded to the survey about the dream that we sent out to the entire studio (which is 400 people with a tail).

    At first they asked the most banal, but at the same time the most important question: how much do you usually sleep on weekdays? More than half of the children (58%) sleep from 5 to 7 hours. The norm of 7–8 hours is “poured out” by 35%. Not bad.

    A similar poll in VK conducted by Habré has a large sample, and the results are almost the same as ours.

    How much time do the guys spend sleeping, if they are not limited? It's about the weekend, of course. It turned out that less than the norm (from 5 to 7 hours), only 8% sleep, and the rest are completely free:

    • 8-10 hours - 41%,
    • 7-8 hours - 33%,
    • 10-12 hours - 16%,
    • 12 or more hours - 2%.

    At the same time, 7.5% of respondents constantly practice daytime sleep. Another 36% are very rare, but still take the chance to take a nap when a free minute is issued.

    What about the time it takes to get enough sleep? Almost half of the respondents (48%) have enough 7-8 hours. About 33% can be like cucumbers only if they sleep for 9–11 hours. And only one percent of the guys need 12 or more hours to feel “sleepy,” although we expected such an answer from at least a third of the respondents.

    Another 1% (lucky!) Said that they completely get enough sleep, spending only a few hours in bed (up to 5). 8% believe that their norm is from 5 to 7 hours. And finally, the remaining 9% are convinced that no matter how much they sleep, they still will not get enough sleep.

    Movies and home care interfere

    Why, more than half of the guys do not reach the norm on weekdays? Not sleeping Unlikely. With the duration of sleep on the weekend, the order, and even the question “Do you suffer from insomnia?”, Only 5% answered unequivocal “yes”, and in 28% it happens, but not often.

    We do not sleep because we can’t recover early, the reasons for all are almost the same. The five leaders look like this:

    • watching movies and TV shows - 155 answers out of 330;
    • household chores - 152;
    • desire for self-development (reading books, monitoring specialized sites, viewing tutorials) - 145;
    • games - 122;
    • "Freeze" in social networks - 83.

    Also, thoughts about work or the work itself (71), the partner owl (25) and noisy neighbors (23) do not let you fall asleep. Among the few answers: children, late workouts, hobbies, guests and more.

    And now about the morning. How do you know if everything is okay with sleep?

    1. You fall asleep almost immediately when you go to bed.
    2. You wake up on an alarm clock.

    It turned out that when our guys woke up, everything was more or less normal: 69% of the respondents lifted either a fitness bracelet or an alarm clock from bed. But 16% wake up a little earlier, and, according to them, without any reason whatsoever. Another 4% of respondents get up thanks to households and pets, and 3% call the culprit the rise of the sun (not in winter, of course).

    I got up but did not wake up

    We asked the guys to indicate what helps them fall asleep if they can’t sleep, and wake up if they really didn’t get enough sleep.

    So, in the arms of Morpheus they push:

    • meditation, breathing practices, self-massage;
    • sedatives, teas, honey, sleeping pills, melatonin;
    • reading and listening to books, audio lectures, calming sound (mantras, sounds of rain, etc.);
    • airing a room or a walk before bedtime;
    • a change in body position (cross your head in the opposite direction, for example).

    How do sleepy people bring themselves to life? The leader is coffee - a lot of coffee (157 answers). Next come charging (74) and a contrast shower (70). Interestingly, the power engineers were not held in high esteem, and it pleases: only 17 people use them.

    Also from the most common answers: citrus fruits, strong tea, a walk to the office, a high-carb breakfast, a short nap at a lunch break, music and ... work. Yes, urgent tasks invigorate incredibly. :-)

    There are those who admitted their powerlessness before lack of sleep: more than 30 people do not take any measures to cheer themselves up. Including because nothing helps.

    Caffeine sleep and no alcohol

    And now the promised extract from the lecture on sleep, which was prepared by our colleague Nikita for us - employees of Plarium Krasnodar (we give lectures and presentations for each other on interesting topics).

    Attention! We do not claim that the information below is undeniable and the only true. Nikita is based on data from scientific works and her own experience. We advise you to watch the video, and not just listen: some of the information written on the slides is not voiced.

    We really hope that you learned something new and useful. Sleep sweetly!

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