The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 293 developer (on April 1 - 7)

    In our new digest for the week, a story about complex relationships with the publisher, about even more complex Android development, materials about modularity, Hype-driven transformations, Snapchat's latest developments for developers, and much more.

    How to publish a mobile game and not make my mistakes

    The history of my game began in 2015 - I moved to Unity and became interested in 3d, the result of this was my first (second, which is not embarrassing to show) game: Out of Brakes - a runner in which the player must avoid obstacles on a typewriter, the speed of which is constantly is growing.

    Developing applications for Android is like being a (demonetized) YouTube

    Android was once considered the best mobile platform: control, customizability, advanced features, real multitasking, support for even rare cases of use and freedom of developers. It was the best platform for science and education: firstly, development tools are free and cross-platform, and secondly, Android was a very flexible OS that did not interfere with experimenting with innovative concepts and tinkering with equipment. Now all this is quickly disappearing.

    This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


    • (+48) The departure of an electronic engineer from Apple caused a stir among stock speculators. How to become like him?
    • (+22)Particle system in Core Animation. Christmas story
    • (+14) Swift 5.1 - what's new?
    • (+4) Pattern problems Coordinator and what does RouteComposer do
    UsabilityLab introduced a rating of iOS-applications of banks
    imageWhat's new in iOS 12.2 for Progressive Web Apps
    imageDecorate iOS-application with Core Animation
    imageMigration to a single log: console and tools
    imageAutomatic UITableView header and footer sizes with AutoLayout
    imageReverse engineering iOS applications
    imageSimple guide for creating CocoaPods
    imageTutorial on working with CallKit on iOS
    imageA pragmatic guide to scalable Swift architecture in 2019
    imageAdapting an iPad app with UISplitViewController
    imageCommon modularization issues for iOS apps
    imageView Decoration in Swift
    imageCombining CoreGraphics and Metal sharing memory resources
    Charmed Dark theme for Xcode
    Blueprint: declarative constructor for

    Android UI

    • (+14) Kaspersky Mobile Talks # 1. Multimodule
    Android Dev Podcast # 91. Humanitarian News
    Android Q second beta released
    Hype-driven Android-development, or how an engineering specialty turns into marketing
    imageBreak the application monolith - the history of the Robinhood Android application
    imageMoving images across the screen in Android
    imageTop 17 plug-ins for Android Studio
    imageMVVM and DataBinding: Android design templates
    imageHow to develop screens for folding devices
    imageChanging the locale and anti-pattern of AndroidViewModel
    imageOptimizing bytecode by changing sources
    imageIntroduction to RoleManager in Android Q
    imageHow to develop an Android application in 2019: using the “new” Android
    imageTransfer data between Android devices via Bluetooth on Kotlin
    imageImage segmentation in Android is a smart background replacement with Fritz
    imageModularization is an example from life
    imageExplore Android Q: bubbles
    imageIntroduction to the Android menu


    • (+33) Game designer is not much different from a psycho. How we made the game CMAN
    • (+20)  Big city for mobile devices on Unity. Experience in development and optimization
    • (+14) Overview of the most interesting reports of CodeFest 2019: version of True Engineering
    • (+5) Code generation in Dart. Part 2. Annotations, source_gen and build_runner
    • (+3) Flutter. Keys! What are they for?
    • (0) Post-mortem with GGJ-2019: how to get bumps, but still make a game
    Humble Book Bundle on classic video games
    Snapchat launched the game platform
    Preglife received its first investment in 9 years
    Flutter - the fastest growing skill among developers
    AppsCast # 3: Architecture, architecture and a bit more architecture
    Podlodka # 105: Incident management
    Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 released
    The Jolly Rogers: open-source Clash Royale clone on Unity
    Don’t be sad: how not to lose optimism in game development
    imageDevelopment for different screen sizes and different orientations on Flutter
    imageWriting games for ZX Spectrum
    imageIndie Adventure - we rewrite MobiLinc to React Native
    imageUX will happen one way or another: tactics against strategy
    imageWhy all designers need to read cyberpunk
    imageHow to make your own mobile wallet and win
    imageHow to interview interviewers when you are looking for work

    Analytics, marketing and monetization

    • (+8 ) “Courtesy Exchange”: what is the essence of the conflict between the two most famous streaming companies
    • (+5) Jedi techniques of a mobile developer: how to monetize the application in 2019?
    Snap announced an ad network
    Hometalk: Do-it-yourself American-style
    How to increase the coverage of group posts on Facebook for a mobile game
    • You can pay for a cell phone by watching ads
    Quinn: a social network for adults without images
    Drunk shopping: $ 45 billion a year
    imageIs it boring to learn? 5 tips for turning E-Learning into history
    imageAgile localization: a complete guide
    imageHow we got 11.3 million page views without any hacking growth
    image5 techniques to make mobile buttons with a call to action intuitive
    image9 most common mistakes in developing

    AI applications , Devices , IoT

    • (+49) Two students cheated on Apple for $ 1 million
    • (+41) Word2vec in pictures
    • (+20) Machine learning without Python, Anaconda and other reptiles
    • (+12) VR with neural interfaces - a complete immersion in virtual reality
    • (+7) Energy, heat and water
    Amazon is preparing its smart headphones
    Valve releases its virtual reality helmet
    imageTensorFlow is dead, long live TensorFlow!
    imagePostgreSQL performance on Raspberry Pi

    Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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