SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system

    We bring to your attention the article “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system” written by the head of the design team of Frontside LLC Irina Aleksandrovna Vorobeva.


    "SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system" is a specialized software that automates the creation of 2D drawings of brands AR and AC. The program was developed by LLC Magma-Computer on the instructions of LLC Frontside.
    The purpose of the program is the preparation of graphic documentation and the automatic calculation of specifications for materials. As a graphical platform “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system”, the application SPDS GraphiCS for AutoCAD is necessarily used .

    Key advantages of the program “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system”

    • work in the AutoCAD environment using the graphiCS SPDS functionality;
    • automatic assignment of positions, brands and their display on the drawing;
    • fully automatic associative connection of drawings and design;
    • fully automatic generation, calculation and updating of specifications.

    The main tasks solved by the program "SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system"

    • execution of drawings with the layout of the sandwich panels on the facades and drawings of fasteners;
    • automatic calculation and formation of specifications on a sandwich panel, taking into account the different characteristics of the panels;
    • automatic calculation and formation of specifications for components, taking into account the selection of the necessary elements of delivery;
    • export of generated specifications to a * .xml file with subsequent uploading to 1C system for production.

    Work in “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system” through the eyes of the designer of the company LLC “Frontside” I. Vorobyeva

    The development of walling projects using sandwich panels is a very narrow specialization. I have been working in the field of building envelope design for more than eight years. The first six years, the work was performed in the AutoCAD program without the special GraphiCS SPDS application and settings for our production. Drawings could only be created using standard AutoCAD commands (line, size, text). Specifications for the production were created manually in Excel and manually calculated with a huge number of recounts and checks.

    The company Magma-Computer LLC has developed a special program for our company: SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing systems.

    The application “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system” is an excellent tool for creating wiring diagrams of Frontside LLC. A wiring diagram is an album consisting of layouts of panels, fasteners, and specifications on the panel and all necessary accessories. The main purpose of the wiring diagram is a guide to the installation work.

    During the year of work in the SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system, the work of the designer was greatly simplified and the efficiency of the design work increased.

    About the program “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system”

    All tools for working with the program “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system” are located on one toolbar:

    Fig1. FrontSide toolbar in AutoCAD

    Here you can find all the commands necessary for the work.

    Panel Commands

    Panel Commands is the choice of different types of sandwich panels produced by Frontside LLC: wall panel, roofing panel, angular horizontal panel, angular vertical panel and “P” -shaped horizontal panel. In the properties of these commands, you can take into account all the characteristics of the panels: the length, width and thickness of the panel, the color of the outer and inner sheets, the thickness of the steel, the coating of steel, the density of cotton wool and others.

    Fig. 2. Dialogues of the wall and roof panels.

    Using these commands, the fronts are created on the panel drawing and the facades are formed: Fig. 3. Facade sweeps

    Trimming and Delete Trimming Commands

    The Trimming command trims the panels to the desired length and angle. Previously performed trimming can be restored using the Delete trimming command.

    Figure 4. Trim and delete trim commands

    Team Nodes

    Team Nodes is one of the most convenient and functional teams. In the technical catalog of Frontside LLC there are more than a hundred standard and non-standard units. All of them are collected in the library application "SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system." The nodes themselves are drawn by the designer manually. The location of this or that node is drawn on the layout of the panels. This allows you to automatically automatically get the length of the node in the specification.

    Fig. 5 The layout of nodes

    As part of the nodes, you can edit formulas for counting components, lengths, reamers, color of additional elements, add or remove components, and select the priority of delivery.

    Figure 6. Node dialog

    Team Specification

    In the program "SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system" various options for specifications can be formed:

    1. Specification of sandwich panels with the belonging of these panels to a particular facade;

    Figure 7. Specification of panels

    2. Specification for components (additional elements and fasteners). When creating this specification, you can choose:

    • specification of components under the contract;
    • specification of components outside the contract;
    • specification of components for facades;
    • specification of components by nodes;
    • specification of component parts.

    Fig. 8. Specification settings dialog.

    In all specifications, the components specified in the assembly are automatically counted.

    Figure 9. Specification of nodes

    Submit to xml command

    This is one of the most functional teams of the program “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system”. With the help of it, specifications are exported to the sandwich panels and accessories to a * .xml file with subsequent uploading to the 1C system for production.

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    “I want to leave the most positive and warm feedback from the company Frontside LLC and its project team for the work done by Magma-Computer LLC. Personally, I would like to thank Mikhail Gladkikh for his patience, understanding and suggestions for improving the work of our project team, ”says Irina Vorobyova, head of the project team.
    Technical Director of Magma-Computer LLC about the development project “SPDS GraphiCS - facade and roofing system” for Frontside LLC: “Initially, various options for design automation solutions were considered, including the transition to 3D design. Program ASAP GraphiCSwas chosen as a platform, because it was actively used by designers, and its API allows us to quickly develop new functionality. The development of the project was divided into stages on the basis of a survey and analysis of the design tasks facing Frontside LLC. At the end of each stage, a software version was provided that immediately began to be used by designers. Thanks to this, it turned out to quickly organize the feedback and refinement of the program during the subsequent stages. I would like to thank all the participants of the project on the part of Frontside LLC for the warm and trusting atmosphere of close cooperation, thanks to which it was already possible for several months to switch to design using the developed software. "

    About the user company, Frontside LLC (frontside.ru). The company has been operating in the Russian market since 2001. Specialization - the production of facade systems of any complexity. The company's assortment portfolio includes modular facade systems, wall and roof sandwich panels, including: unique solutions for vertical and horizontal installation, design solutions for building corners, as well as exclusive decorative elements.

    About the development company. Magma-Computer LLC (mcad.ru) has been operating in the domestic software market since 1996. It includes departments for the development, testing and technical support of software. The company is developing CAD solutions in the fields of mechanical engineering, industrial and civil engineering, architectural design, as well as electronic document management systems, processing of scanned drawings, vectorization and hybrid editing. Since its inception, Magma-Computer LLC has focused on creating its own programs, which, combined with software from world leaders, allow us to solve CAD problems at the highest level and taking into account Russian realities.

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