Roskomnadzor ordered an automated search engine control system and VPN

    On March 19, 2019, a tender was posted on the government procurement website for the development of an “automated system for monitoring compliance with the requirements of Article 15.8 of Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-ФЗ“ On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information ”. The order was placed under the jurisdiction of Roskomnadzor FSUE “Main Radio Frequency Center” (GRCHC).

    The draft contract and the appendix explain what exactly the automated system of AC 15.8 should do.

    In accordance with the annex to the contract, the purpose of AC 15.8 is to automate the processes of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Reserves Center" for monitoring activities:

    • search systems - regarding fulfillment of the obligation to terminate in the Russian Federation the issuance of information on information resources, information and telecommunication networks, access to which is limited on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Law 149;
    • owners of software and hardware access to information resources, information and telecommunication networks, access to which is limited - in terms of the ban on providing the ability to use the information and telecommunication networks and information resources belonging to them in Russia to gain access to prohibited sites.

    Also, the purpose of AC 15.8 is to automate inspections through verified search engines and VPNs:

    • search engines for the issue of information about prohibited resources;
    • VPN for user access to prohibited resources.

    In simple words, the new system should automatically control law-abiding search engines and VPNs so that it is not possible to go through them to a prohibited site (for example, or to launch a prohibited service (for example, Telegram).

    “According to the degree of scientific and technical novelty, the created AC 15.8 is not a fundamentally new system either from a design or from a technological point of view,” the statement from the annex to the contract says, “but it has no significant existing analogs in terms of automation in Russia due to a significant number interacting objects of accounting and control. "

    An automated system is being developed to help employees of Roskomnadzor, who are now monitoring VPNs and search engines to block banned sites and services. Obviously, doing this manually is hard. The procedure is quite bureaucratic. “Control measures are carried out by authorized officials in accordance with their official duties on the basis of tasks for such events, approved at step 1 ... After the control measure is completed, an act of control action is drawn up ...” If it is established that the search engine has issued information about the prohibited the resource, authorized persons of the control body that carried out the control measure, print on paper and certify with signatures copies of the page, access to which is limited and the issuance of information about which is not stopped by the search engine. Etc.

    The procurement text indicates that the system will reduce the current costs of the State Reserves Center for round-the-clock monitoring of search engine and VPN operators, reducing the time and labor costs of employees.

    The result of the first stage is a system operating in the trial operation mode at the customer’s test site. The result of work in the second stage is a system operating in the mode of industrial operation. To fulfill obligations under the contract, the customer “organizes the admission of the contractor’s employees to the appropriate hardware and software facilities, and also provides access to paid accounts of search engines, including payment of the required volume of search queries, and access hardware and software tools for the proper conduct of all types of tests ".

    The initial (maximum) contract price is 25 million rubles. The selection of a contractor is carried out through competitive negotiations .

    The application deadline and time is March 29, 2019 at 10:00.

    The date for consideration of applications is April 3, 2019, the date for summing up results is April 8. System development should be completed before the end of this year.

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