“The World's Largest Li-Ion Battery Plant” - Liotech - Everything

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    sad news came today from RosNano.
    One of the most powerful - in every sense of the word - RusNano's projects went bad and could not agree with creditors on debt restructuring.

    Just a couple of years ago, Liotech was created as the ruby ​​of the crown of the Russian Empire of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Along with other GK projects such as Optogan, ZAO Kremniy (Irkutsk), and flexible electronics from Plastic Logic , Liotech was a legend in the industry and was supposed to compete with the gigofactory Ilona Mask. However, these ambitious plans were not destined to come true, although back in September 2015, Trolza conducted comprehensive tests of lithium-ion batteries for use in public transport.

    The reason is simple: the Chinese partner threw, and creditors are not ready to restructure the company's debt.

    RUSNANO's official statement:
    The Liotech Novosibirsk plant, a Russian manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries, has recently made efforts to restructure payables, but could not avoid bankruptcy proceedings.

    Recall that the plant was created by RUSNANO together with the Chinese company Thunder Sky in conditions of guaranteed demand - the Chinese side confirmed its intention to buy 85% of the plant’s production. The partner did not fulfill its obligations; in the future, the project was implemented without his participation.

    RUSNANO, as a shareholder of the company, is interested in its further development and preservation in Russia of competencies in the production of modern lithium-ion batteries. We expect that during the monitoring procedure, the development of new solutions, more in demand by the market, in such promising segments of the use of energy storage devices as healthcare, energy, housing and communal services and the defense industry will be completed, which will allow the company to overcome the crisis.

    In this regard, it’s also interesting to interview Kommersant with one of the founders of Optogan, a LED company in the Russian Federation, Alexey Kovsh - you will find out a lot of interesting things , gentlemen!

    I would like to note the following from myself: until such significant projects are learned to save and launch in a new way, in the new economic realities, we will not see high-quality, advanced and innovative import substitution. They are still trying to somehow extend Optogan at the expense of the b2b-market, while the same Plastic Logic and ZAO Kremniy seem to have sunk into oblivion.

    UPD: History is starting to grow into rumors ...

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