What is the GRE test?

Today we are starting a cycle of publications about the GRE test. This test is quite similar to its neighbor - GMAT (you can learn about it in our previous articles ). So, in the first publication we will talk about what is the GRE test?
GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) refers to the tests that are taken upon admission to postgraduate programs of foreign universities and business schools. The GRE Exam was created as an effective tool for assessing analytical, academic, and critical thinking skills. It is conducted in English in paper or computer format. But in order to better understand what the GRE test is, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its features, types and purpose.
This exam exists in two versions: General (general) and Subject (subject). The most common test is the GRE General test, which allows you to evaluate the analytical skills and the general level of knowledge of the candidate. Its structure is represented by three main sections: verbal, written and mathematical. Each of them evaluates specific skills and knowledge that a student must demonstrate during the performance of various tasks.
GRE Subjectdifferent from the general exam. His main task is to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge of a certain subject, which is profile for his chosen specialty. This test is conducted in disciplines such as biochemistry, biology (molecular and cellular), physics, mathematics, computer science, psychology, chemistry and English literature. The structure of the exam is represented by a set of specialized questions, the number of which depends on the subject being handed over.
As a rule, foreign universities and business schools use this exam. The test results are required for admission to the postgraduate programs: graduate, postgraduate, MBA and EMBA. GRE General is most often required for admission to courses related to management, business, finance, management and economics. The subject exam is needed to study in specialized disciplines.
Test Content
There are only three sections to the GRE exam: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. Each section will check a specific area of knowledge, but at the same time they are all aimed at assessing the analytical skills of the candidate. For example, in the verbal section there are 40 questions, answering which you need to demonstrate not only the ability to understand printed text, but also your argumentation skills.
The math section also contains 40 tasks. However, all her tasks are focused, first of all, on testing the candidate’s ability to analyze numerical data and put into practice the basic mathematical models. The analytical writing section contains only two tasks, but for their implementation you will need in-depth knowledge of grammar, spelling, stylistics, as well as good argumentation skills.
The GRE exam is highly complex and requires preliminary preparation. To successfully pass the test, the candidate must have a good command of English, know grammar, have a large vocabulary and know the mathematics. But most importantly, you need to be able to analyze information, draw your own conclusions and find solutions, using the available data.
Test assessment system
After completing all three sections of the exam, you will receive a final score. Each correct answer in the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning parts will be rated 1 point. For these sections, you can score from 130 to 170 points. Analytical Writing is evaluated separately on a scale of 0 to 6 points in increments of 0.5 points. If there is no answer, you will earn 0 points (No Score (NS)).
GRE Subject Test is rated a little differently. The rating scale is fixed from 200 to 990 points in increments of 10 points. Also in such disciplines as Biochemistry, Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Psychology, an additional score is indicated. It is calculated on a scale of 20 to 99 points in increments of one point.
Only by understanding what the GRE test is , you can build an effective training plan based on your weaknesses and strengths. In turn, a good learning strategy will ensure that you pass the test successfully and give you a chance to enter the selected program.

Secrets of effective preparation
To successfully pass the GRE exam, you need to pass a good preparation. It must include English lessons with in-depth study of grammar and the expansion of vocabulary. To understand the requirements of the test and the correct execution of tasks the language must be mastered at least at the level of Upper-Intermediate. In the process of preparation, it is recommended to read a lot, while training to analyze the information, highlight the key points of the texts and draw logical conclusions, supported by facts and arguments.
Particular attention should be paid to practice. Reading texts, repeating mathematics, memorizing new words and grammar norms, it is also necessary to regularly carry out trial tests and practical exercises, moreover, for each section, starting from math problems and ending with questions of the verbal section. In addition, you must definitely train in writing an essay, focusing on their literacy and logic.
It’s easy to figure out what the GRE test is. In this case, it is important to understand its structure, especially tasks and requirements, so that you can develop an effective training strategy that will allow you to get all the necessary knowledge in a short time. Therefore, in our next article we will talk more about the structure of this test.
The author of the article is Davidenko Vyacheslav, the founder of the companyMBA Consult