Mobius 2018 Piter Announcement

    In mobile development, life is so bubbling that sometimes it even becomes a problem. For example, when everything moves and changes, how in the announcement of the conference to describe its program in five months? But although many details of the Mobius 2018 Piter will become known later, there are those that we are ready to tell - and they may be enough to make a decision.

    To begin with, we will announce the date: April 20-21, 2018, St. Petersburg . The rest is under the cut.

    the main thing

    The feedbacks we received after previous Mobius say that you like the format of the conference and the level of reports. Therefore, everything that they love the event will continue. Again, there is a place for Android, and for iOS, and for "platform-independent" themes. The reports will be of a different format (from “you can immediately implement it at home tomorrow” to “specific information, but interesting and useful”). They will also be marked with pictograms indicating complexity, so that different viewers will be able to find suitable ones for themselves.

    As last year’s St. Petersburg Mobius, there will be two days - this format allows you to approach more slowly and give information to digest. And again we will make sure that you get the maximum from the speakers, and not only on the stage (if you have not been to Mobius before and have become interested, read more about this in the “discussion zones” section below).

    And will there be something unusual in this case? Yes, in addition to standard reports, we also want to experiment. We are thinking about two formats that have proven themselves at CocoaHeads meetings - a round table and a quiz. So the final program may well include, for example, a round table on Android and a quiz on iOS.

    Speakers and topics

    So far, we are ready to name a few speakers. Viewers of previous Mobius have already managed to learn and love most of them:

    Fernando Cejas

    Last year, Fernando, who worked at SoundCloud then, for the first time made a presentation at our conference with the report “Hidden mysteries behind big mobile codebases” (you can watch the video ). And just the other day he officially switched to IBM the role of developer advocate - and for the reason "I like to share knowledge at conferences, and now I can do it more actively."

    At the new Mobius, he will present the topic “What mom never told you about multithreading”, talking about how to manage multithreading on mobile platforms. The emphasis is on Android, but the basic information will be platform independent, so that iOS developers can find something useful for themselves.

    Hector Zarate

    Although we have a proven track record that we are happy to call on new topics, the lineup will not consist of “veterans” alone. And now, for example, a new face: the Swedish developer from Spotify, naming his position “iOS Cowboy”.

    But if it appears for the first time on Mobius, then it is not a newcomer in the world of iOS development: in its iOSCowboy GitHub account , the first repositories date back to 2012. At the conference, Hector will talk about architecture.

    Jonathan Levin

    Jonathan has become a clear favorite of the two previous Mobius (for example, the report “IPC: AIDL is not a curse word” received excellent marks). Only recently, the Moscow conference brightly ended with his fancy-dress keynote, and we are already happy to announce that the next St. Petersburg conference will not do without it. We will not name a specific topic for now - but it seems that many are already happy to simply "go to Jonathan" regardless of what he will be talking about.

    Denis Neklyudov

    It is hardly required to introduce Denis to Android developers in detail. In addition to presentations at previous conferences, he is known for the “Android Dev Podcast” (during Mobius special issues usually go there), as well as the first Google Developer Expert from Russia. In the case of the recent Moscow Mobius, Denis moved away from the usual role of a speaker, instead, after conducting a separate training (and occasionally participated in the keynote of Jonathan Levin as Jonathan Levin) - but in the spring in St. Petersburg he will probably make a report again.

    David González

    David, like Denis, is the proud owner of Google Developer Expert. So he knows thoroughly many things related to Android, and this will help in his talk “Android Authentication made simple”. What could be more boring for the user than logging into the application? And can there be something exciting for the developer to work on this? David believes that many developers are not really aware of such things as Firebase Authentication or the new Fingerprint API - but in the end they don’t do anything that could improve the lives of users.

    Kirill Popov

    In 2016, Cyril spoke on Mobius about the use of Fresco ( video recording ), and then his report became one of the most highly rated by the audience. And now, two years later, he will return to our stage. We have not yet decided on the topic completely, but among the options are considered, for example, the use of the GPU - are you interested in this?

    Discussion areas

    For those who have been to the latest Mobius, there will be no surprise in this, but everyone else should know. Unlike the usual approach, when the speaker after the speech has time for only a few questions from the audience, we make it so that everyone can ask their questions.

    How it works: each speaker immediately after his speech moves to the discussion area - a specially designed place with a board for illustrations, seating and the ability to grab a cup of coffee. And everyone whose report has raised questions can ask them there with feeling, plainly, with arrangement: delving into the nuances and clarifying everything incomprehensible.

    In general, it becomes clear, “why go to conferences when you can watch and read something on the Internet”: here not only a one-way flow of information from experts pours out, but detailed dialogues are held with them.

    On-line translation

    All conference reports can be viewed online by purchasing the appropriate ticket . Such a broadcast has even a slight advantage over a live presence: if at the beginning of the report you suddenly realize that for some reason it is not suitable, switching to another room is easier than running across between them.

    This is not the first time we have been broadcasting, but from year to year it only becomes more beautiful. Here are some recent improvements worth mentioning:

    • Video in 1440p - thanks to this, you can simultaneously display both the presentation of the speaker in FullHD, and the speaker itself;
    • Although the broadcast does not have access to the discussion areas, this does not mean that viewers do not ask any speakers at all. They can be written in the Telegram chat of the conference - and if there is time left at the end of the report, the trackers will ask them;
    • And in between reports, when speakers and participants on the platform leave for discussion areas, online broadcast viewers don’t get bored, we specifically create separate content for them: interviews with speakers and sponsors. If you wish, you can make an idea of ​​them by recording the broadcast of Mobius 2017 Moscow;
    • Sound quality improved, sound recording system seriously redesigned;
    • Many small technical problems were solved, which most did not even notice, but they were there. In general, the feeling of watching the broadcast should be better.

    Call for papers

    If you think that your place is not only in the hall, but also on the stage, and burn with the desire to speak at Mobius, now is the time to apply !

    Previously, did not speak and do not quite understand what this will give you? You can read our January post , where several experienced speakers from our other conference presented their point of view.

    Not sure of your abilities? Of course, our Program Committee makes sure that only high-quality reports get to the conference, but at the same time, it helps to make them better, analyzing the future report in detail and finalizing it. So if in doubt, you can apply, and then it will become clearer.

    Sponsorship Stands

    We ourselves do not yet know the full list of stands that we will see in the spring at St. Petersburg Mobius, but we can recall what happened at the recent Moscow: there, for example, Avito attracted a lot of attention in the competition "Mother's Architect". And now on Habré she continues this competition, and as the main prize she is just playing a ticket to Mobius 2018 Piter! Probably, in St. Petersburg, one can’t do without an interesting movement, so during breaks it will be possible not only to torture speakers with questions.

    To buy tickets

    Registration is already open - and now you can buy a ticket at an early bird price. And from January 1, they will rise in price. So, if there was enough information above, it makes sense to make a decision now. And if you are not ready yet - you can follow the site , it will gradually be replenished with new names of speakers and the names of reports.

    See you at Mobius 2018 Piter!

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