Intel 2018. Results of the year

    The last post of the year we usually devote to summarizing its results - what the company lived in 2018 and what it achieved. Let's say right away: in the past year there were not enough bright events. It seems that this trend: the brightness of new products is steadily decreasing. But something in it definitely happened - that’s what we’ll stop at. And to make it more interesting to read, we dilute the text with the best short Intel clips - those that scored over a million views on the company's channel on YouTube. This time on KDPV is the most popular video of the year, 5 million views

    Traditionally we will go through nominations. The date of the year , of course, was July 18 and the 50th anniversary of Intel. 50 years happens only once in a lifetime, and at the company too. There were many interesting articles and materials, including in our blog, but we'll talk about this in the next post. Well, Intel, in honor of the memorable date, has released a processor with the anniversary name Intel Core i7-8086K and a festive frequency of 5 GHz.

    In the nomination mess of the year, we present a campaign to bring the 10-nm process technology into a commercial look. The story began back in 2017 and lasted throughout 2018, all its visible fruits - the inconspicuous announcement of the only model of the Cannon Lake family Intel Core i3-8121U and a whole sea of ​​contradictory rumors that roamed the news feeds, but in our blog we ignore such quality in principle. Be that as it may, the new ninth-generation Intel Core turned out to be the fifth in a row, performed on a 14-nm process. The trend , however.

    The movement of the year we would call the final filling of all the lines of Intel Xeon according to the Intel Scalable plan - in the sense that the work was carried out here meaningfully and purposefully, as opposed to. First there was the extended series Xeon D for data centers, then we saw the emergence of line entry-level server processor Xeon E . Finally, the “cherry on the cake” was the announcement of the “homemade” Xeon W with 28 cores on board. Will it fit in your house so much? In the near future - release of the already announced new top Xeon Scalable .

    The return of the year is about the Intel NUC. Yes, these miniature computers appeared many years ago, but the technological trends of the last year, and, above all, the general increase in performance and the emergence of powerful discrete graphics in processors , “restarted” the idea of ​​NUC (recall, NUC is Next Unit of Computing, computer of the future). It is possible to discuss the question of whether such a kid is suitable for serious VR applications, but already now he has definitely become a universal device with a very wide scope. Including due to the breadth of the model range .

    Finally, the priority of the year for the company, visible to the naked eye, is artificial intelligence and everything connected with it: computer vision, neural networks, etc. in any incarnation: specialized hardware powerful and portable , software , various kinds of prototypes and experiments . It is interesting and exciting to do this.

    It seems that next year there will also be a lot of news on this topic.

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