Open broadcast from the main hall of the HolyJS 2017 Piter conference: Douglas Crockford, Lea Verou and some others

    We continue to share open broadcasts for those who want to receive the Sabbath stream of power! Earlier, we already opened broadcasts from the DotNext 2017 Piter , Mobius 2017 Piter and JPoint 2017 conferences (now access to it is closed). This time, the source of power will fuel JavaScript developers.

    June 3, 2017 at 10 a.m. (Moscow time) a free online broadcast will begin from the main hall of HolyJS 2017 Piter! The first track (held in the main hall) is the largest and most popular among our participants. On the second day of the conference, the first track will feature:

    • Alexey Zolotykh - ES2017 vs Typescript vs Dart. Compare without emotion
    • Douglas Crockford - Goto There and Back Again
    • Anjana Vakil - Functional Programming in JS: What? Why? How?
    • Alexey Ivanov - The internal structure of the webpack bundle
    • Vladimir Grinenko - Component Web Dependencies Made Right
    • Lea Verou - JS UX: Writing code for humans

    In addition, from 10 am and in between reports, you can watch live interviews with speakers and conference participants. Do not switch!

    Link to the broadcast and a detailed program - under the cut.

    Broadcast Complete

    Track program

    10: 30-11: 30 Alexey Zolotikh - ES2017 vs Typescript vs Dart. Compare without emotion

    Developers very often face the difficult task of choosing a programming language for developing the client part of the application. As a rule: the choice is between three whales: JavaScript, TypeScript and Dart. Easy battle of technologies without deep immersion. Alexey knows what he’s talking about, for 10 years of JS development he managed to try a lot.

    12: 00-13: 00 Douglas Crockford - Goto There and Back Again

    This (second) report by Douglas Crockford at the HolyJS 2017 Piter conference will be presented in the style of “two steps forward, three steps back, or why you need to know the path of technology development” . We will deal with contradictions in language design, starting with a letter from Dijkstra to the editor.

    And yes, as a sincerely loving JS and finding good sides in him, Douglas will not stand on ceremony. Get ready for power lessons and dance lessons with Douglas in full.

    13: 30-14: 30 Anjana Vakil - Functional Programming in JS: What? Why? How?

    Anjana devoted her talk to functional JS programming using basic JS features and some popular FP libraries such as Mori and Ramda. In her free time, Anjana has already gone from philosophy to teaching English and from applied linguistics to software development. Therefore, it will be able to intelligibly give answers to questions about how a functional code looks and how it is better than others; how to start writing in the style of functional programming; where is such a stir, and most importantly - why?

    15: 15-16: 15 Aleksey Ivanov - The internal device of the webpack bundle

    Webpack has become the de facto standard for building large applications on JS. Almost everyone uses it, but, as a rule, like a black box: if you put the files here and write such and such lines in the config, then the bundle will automatically be output. Experience with projects for eBay, Yandex and Communigate made it possible to understand how the bundle looks from the inside, how different settings affect it, why some settings can lead to unexpected side effects, as well as how to debug and optimize all this. This will be shared by Alex in his report.

    16: 45-17: 45 Vladimir Grinenko - Dependencies in the component web, made correctly.

    Modular systems imply that all modules will communicate with each other as a whole, while a module is only one component, all components are dependent on each other, and they need to be expressed.

    The dependencies between the components are causing a lot of problems: hardcoding, refactoring complexity and other troubles.

    In his report, Vladimir Grinenko, as the head of the group of common interface components in the Yandex Simferopol office, will show a way to get rid of, if not all troubles, then many. The report will show how to apply the new approach on the example of assembly on Gulp and Webpack. And also about the package, which not only allows you to build projects in this way on React, but also provides multiple inheritance for React-components.

    18: 15-19: 15 Lea Verou - JS UX: Writing code for humans

    Lea Verou is the author of CSS Secrets and one of the experts of the CSS Working Group. While someone divides people into “tech developers” and “humanitarian designers”, Leah is known for her love of code and design, which she put into practice in several open source projects ( Prism , Dabblet and -prefix- free )

    It is not surprising that the keynote “ JS UX: Writing code for humans ” will be precisely connected with this intersection: Leah will talk about how the use of UX-approaches to programming can make your code better. In the end, the code that someone needs to read (including yourself in the future) is also a kind of UI!

    Intermission Broadcast

    The problem with many online broadcasts is empty breaks and coffee breaks. While participants at the conference drink coffee and communicate with speakers, viewers of the broadcast are forced to look at the stubs and wait for the next report to begin.

    We solved this problem in our own way - during the breaks, events taking place at the conference, as well as interviews with speakers will be broadcast. The interview will be conducted by Mikhail Poluboyarinov together with phillennium - you will not be bored. Questions, if they suddenly arise, can be asked in the Telegram channel of the conference:


    • Since the broadcast is free, it is provided on the basis of as is : we are sure that everything will be fine, but if all of a sudden - do not blame me!
    • There will be no videos. That is, they, of course, will be, but only for conference participants who left feedback. And for everyone else, we will traditionally post them in 3-4 months.
    • You will not be able to watch what happens in other rooms. And there will be many interesting things . Next time sign up and see everything without restrictions.

    May the force be with you!

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