WannaCry: analysis, indicators of compromise and recommendations for prevention

    Last Friday, exactly at the end of the day, when all the administrators and security experts gathered around their homes and summer cottages, the world spread the news of the start of an unprecedented attack by WannaCry. After a couple of days, it can already be said that the name of this attack is associated with Keith Urban’s song “Tonight I Wanna Cry” (“Today I Want to Cry”). Its scope turned out to be quite ominous - at the time of writing, the number of victims exceeded 230 thousand, and this number can grow when many return from weekends and holidays and turn on their home and work computers. We, in our Cisco Talos division, published our research on this malicious program on Friday and would like to share some key points with Habr users.


    WannyCry is a cryptographic worm, a distinctive feature of which is the self-propagation function, which is usually absent in classic cryptographers. This means that for infection you do not need to click anywhere, press nothing and open nothing. It is enough to have just a vulnerable, unpatched and connected to the Internet (including through other computers, for example, on the local network) computer based on the Windows platform to become a victim of WannaCry. After the computer is infected, the victim sees an offer to pay a certain amount of money (different variations of WannaCry require different amounts - from 300 to 600 dollars) for returning access to files. The offer is displayed in different languages, including Russian. An interesting point - the ransom message is not just a text file, picture or HTA file, as is usually the case with encryptors, but an executable file.

    Redemption Request at WannaCry

    Pay attention to this point - no response is required from the user ! What made this possible? Everything is simple here - the authors of WannaCry took advantage of a leak from ShadowBrokers, as a result of which the world became aware of many previously unknown vulnerabilities and methods of conducting attacks. Among them was the ETERNALBLUE vulnerability and the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor associated with it. The first allowed through a vulnerable SMB to gain remote access to a computer and quietly install software on it. And so the WannyCry ransomware is installed. Microsoft in March releasedan appropriate patch for this vulnerability, but, as experience shows, many administrators for various reasons did not bother to install it on their computers. The ETERNALBLUE vulnerability is present on all versions of Windows, excluding Windows 10. Given the large number of Windows family operating systems (Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003) and the scale of the attack, Microsoft took an unprecedented step and released patches for these OS.

    Please note that if you have the appropriate patch installed or otherwise block the use of this vulnerability, for example, using IPS), this does not mean that you are not subject to WannaCry. In this case, the ransomware will be able to be launched, but this will require a user reaction, familiar to the work of classic ransomware lockers. Installing the Microsoft patch only blocks remote infection and the spread of malicious code.

    The malicious program WannaCry searches for vulnerable computers by scanning the open TCP port 445 (Server Message Block / SMB). Therefore, a good idea (if your processes allow this) would be to block access on this port (as well as on the 139th) from the Internet on your firewall or router. For Cisco routers, the appropriate ACL might look like this:

    access-list 110 deny tcp any any eq 445
    access-list 110 deny tcp any any eq 139

    However, blocking these ports from the outside does not mean complete protection against internal infection. If any of your users brings a home laptop containing WannaCry and connects it to the internal local network (and we have already received requests from some customers whose CEOs arrived with their infected computers on weekends, calling “ carpet ”and IT staff), then WannaCry will begin to search for new victims within the organization.

    Our analysis shows that, along with the ETERNALBLUE vulnerability, the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor from the ShadowBrokers leak also works, which allows remote access and arbitrary code execution on a previously compromised machine. Usually, after successful exploitation of the ETERNALBLUE vulnerability, the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor is installed and the encryptor is installed with its help. If ETERNALBLUE cannot be successfully exploited, but at the same time there is a copy of DOUBLEPULSAR on the attacked node, then the encryption code is set through it.

    WannaCry Analysis at Cisco AMP Threat Grid

    After successfully installing and encrypting files, WannaCry tries to establish a connection with the nodes of the Tor network to transfer traffic through it and try to hide its true "hosts". The following Tor hosts IP addresses have been discovered by Cisco Talos, but this is not the final list. Our colleagues from other companies have lists of used Tor nodes that have different addresses. Moreover, their analysis shows that most of them have an old history and have already been used in certain malicious activities. In addition, it is worth remembering that the indicated addresses will not be used constantly - their lifespan for the current version of WannaCry will be several weeks. Therefore, you should regularly monitor information about this threat and update the relevant indicators of compromise.

    Despite the fact that only a couple of days have passed since the start of the epidemic and several hundred thousand computers have already been damaged, the attackers managed to release several new versions of their malicious creations, mainly in the part of the ransomware. The current version of WannaCry contains the “kill switch” function, that is, checking for the presence of a specific domain on the Internet, upon detection of which malicious code was not installed on the victim’s computer. This domain - iuqerfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea [.] Com (other domains are also possible in the new WannaCry modifications) was identified by one of the researchers and registered by him for “intercepting” malware control. As analysis of calls to this domain using the Cisco OpenDNS Investigate service showed, about 200 thousand computers were saved from infection over the past two days.

    Kill Switch Domain Access Analysis Using Cisco OpenDNS Investigate

    So far no WannaCry modifications have been discovered without the kill switch function (although attempts have been made, but so far unsuccessful), but this does not mean that it cannot be. In any case, the story is not over yet. On Monday, many will turn on their computers after holidays and weekends, and the number of victims of this malware may increase further. Moreover, our analysis shows that the architecture of WannaCry is modular and can be used to deliver and use other malicious modules.

    It is worth noting that at the time of writing the note, it was not yet possible to find a way to decrypt the encrypted files. This means that if a user is infected and does not have a backup copy of his data, the probability of returning access to his files is not high (even in the case of a ransom payment, which does not guarantee that he will receive a decryption key). For encryption, a 2048-bit RSA key is used, and files with the following extensions fall under the distribution:

    .der, .pfx, .key, .crt, .csr, .p12, .pem, .odt, .sxw, .stw, .3ds, .max, .3dm, .ods, .sxc, .stc, .dif .slk, .wb2, .odp, .sxd, .std, .sxm, .sqlite3, .sqlitedb, .sql, .accdb, .mdb, .dbf, .odb, .mdf, .ldf, .cpp,. pas, .asm, .cmd, .bat, .vbs, .sch, .jsp, .php, .asp, .java, .jar, .class, .mp3, .wav, .swf, .fla, .wmv, .mpg, .vob, .mpeg, .asf, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .mkv, .flv, .wma, .mid, .m3u, .m4u, .svg, .psd, .tiff, .tif .raw, .gif, .png, .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .iso, .backup, .zip, .rar, .tgz, .tar, .bak, .arc, .vmdk, .vdi,. sldm, .sldx, .sti, .sxi, .dwg, .pdf, .wk1, .wks, .rtf, .csv, .txt, .msg, .pst, .ppsx, .ppsm, .pps, .pot, .pptm, .pptx, .ppt, .xltm, .xltx, .xlc, .xlm, .xlt, .xlw, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xls, .dotm, .dot, .docm, .docx .doc

    As you can see, office files Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Open Office, music and video files, archives, e-mail messages and mail archives / databases, MS SQL, MS Access database files, MS Visio, Photoshop graphic files are encrypted, as well as virtual machines and others.

    Now it’s too early to put an end to the story with WannaCry and a more detailed analysis of this malicious program awaits us. In the meantime, we can give a number of recommendations for protection against it:

    1. Install at least patch MS17-010, covering the ETERNALBLUE vulnerability in SMB. It is better to upgrade all your Windows computers. In industrial networks, where the installation of patches has its own characteristics, it is worth checking with the manufacturer of your automatic process control system whether the installation of this patch will affect the functioning of the system and the technological process. You can also completely block support for the SMB protocol, if this is acceptable on a particular network and for specific IT processes and applications.
    2. Block external connections from the Internet using the SMB / NetBIOS protocols - to do this, close the 137th, 139th and 445th TCP ports, as well as the 137th and 138th UDP ports.
    3. Enable backup systems (even copying important files to a regular USB flash drive or an external hard drive in manual mode will already be superfluous).
    4. Use current, supported OS versions for which security updates are being released.
    5. Use personal computer protection tools - from traditional antiviruses with regularly updated signature databases to next-generation protection tools (EDR, STAP, BDS, etc. names).
    6. Monitor and block traffic to the nodes of the Tor network, which are often used by encryptors and other malicious programs.
    7. Use Threat Intelligence services that let you keep abreast of the dynamically changing threat landscape and constantly update your defenses with new indicators of compromise.

    For those users who use Cisco cybersecurity solutions, we can say that all our solutions can deal with this threat:

    • Advanced Malware Protection (AMP), especially AMP for Endpoints, is ideal for detecting and preventing this malware.
    • Cloud Web Security (CWS) and Web Security Appliance (WSA) detect access to malicious kill switch domains.
    • Cisco Firepower NGIPS has up-to-date signatures to detect and block this threat.
    • The Cisco Firepower NGFW (as well as the Cisco ASA) can block access to the 139th and 445th TCP ports, and it also has a regularly updated list of Tor hosts to track interaction with this network and block outgoing connections.
    • AMP Threat Grid helped analyze the malicious behavior of WannaCry, and can also do this for new versions of this malicious program.
    • OpenDNS Umbrella helps identify interactions with domains associated with this threat. You can take advantage of the free version of OpenDNS Home , which will increase the level of protection for home users.
    • Stealthwatch detects network activity associated with scanning vulnerable sites, the spread of malicious code over the network, as well as interaction with command servers (C2 or CnC), including the Tor network.
    • Identity Service Engine (ISE) can monitor unpatched hosts on the local network and block access or localize them by redirecting to the quarantine subnet. The integration of ISE with Qualys Security Scanner (TC-NAC) allows you to identify nodes that are vulnerable to ETERNALBLUE and also quarantine them.

    Snort users should be aware that rules 42329-42332, 42340, and 41978, which are available as part of the service pack on Snort.org, help fight this threat . For users of Cisco Legacy IPS, the IPS Signature Pack S982 has been prepared, in which the 7958-0 and 7958-1 are fighting with WannaCry.

    In addition, we want to specify indicators for compromise WannaCry, which we have identified as part of our analysis:

    File names :
    d5e0e8694ddc0548d8e6b87c83d50f4ab85c1debadb106d6a6a794c3e746f4fa b.wnry
    055c7760512c98c8d51e4427227fe2a7ea3b34ee63178fe78631fa8aa6d15622 c.wnry
    402751fa49e0cb68fe052cb3db87b05e71c1d950984d339940cf6b29409f2a7c r.wnry
    e18fdd912dfe5b45776e68d578c3af3547886cf1353d7086c8bee037436dff4b s.wnry
    Taskdl.exe 4a468603fdcb7a2eb5770705898cf9ef37aade532a7964642ecd705a74794b79
    2ca2d550e603d74dedda03156023135b38da3630cb014e3d00b1263358c5f00d taskse.exe
    97ebce49b14c46bebc9ec2448d00e1e397123b256e2be9eba5140688e7bc0ae6 t.wnry
    b9c5d4339809e0ad9a00d4d3dd26fdf44a32819a54abf846bb9b560d81391c25 u.wnry

    Observed IP-addresses :
    188 166 23 127 443 - Tor Exit Node [.] [ .] [.]
    193 23 244 [[.] [.] .] 244: 443 - Tor Exit Node
    2 [.] 3 [.] 69 [.] 209: 9001 - Tor Exit Node
    146 [.] 0 [.] 32 [.] 144: 9001 - Tor Exit Node
    50 [. ] 7 [.] 161 [.] 218: 9001 - Tor Exit Node
    128.31.0 [.] 39 - Tor Exit Node
    213.61.66 [.] 116 - Tor Exit Node
    212.47.232 [.] 237 - Tor Exit Node
    81.30 .158 [.] 223 - Tor Exit Node
    [.] 79.172.193 32 - the Tor the Exit the Node

    the Tor C2 :

    List observed in the framework of WannaCry hashes :

    Additional information:

    UPDATE: As new information on this malware appears, we will make changes to this text.

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