PHP Digest No. 88 - interesting news, materials and tools (June 13 - July 17, 2016)
After a short break, the PHP Digest is back in business! We bring to your attention the next selection with links to news and materials.
Enjoy reading!
News and Releases
- Zend Framework 3 - The long-awaited major release of the popular framework. Almost 4 years have passed since the release of the previous version . Under the hood, users will find support for PHP 7, updated components, more than 4 times better performance, a microframework out of the box, support for middleware and much more.
- End of support for Zend Framework 1 - Together with the announcement of ZF3, Zend announced the termination of support for ZF1. Security patches will only be released until September 28 of this year.
- PyroCMS v3 - Release of the once popular CMS. The project was actually rewritten from scratch on Laravel.
- PHP 7.0.8 , 5.6.23 , 5.5.37 - Updates of the current branches of the interpreter.
- PHP 5.5 support has expired - July 5.5 is expected to release PHP 5.5.38, which will be the last in branch 5.5.
- PhpStorm 2016.2 Released
- PHP 7.1.0 Alpha 3 - The third alpha includes recently accepted sentences: type Iterable , short syntax for the list operator , creating a closure from callable, and others.
- RFC: Iterable - A proposal has been accepted to add a pseudotype
that combines both regular arrays and objects that implementTraversable
. - RFC: Throw Error in Extensions - In many extensions, instead of errors of class E_ERROR or E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR will throw exceptions of type Error. Offer accepted.
- RFC: New operator for context-dependent escaping - More in the author’s hub site: Poll. New tag for HTML data shielding in PHP .
- GitaminHQ / Gitamin - GitHub clone implemented on Laravel.
- Opulence - New PHP7 Framework. Sent tkf .
- franzose / kontrolio - A simple data validation library without additional dependencies, inspired by Laravel and Symfony. Sent by franzose .
- layershifter / tld-extract - A package for correctly parsing domain names using the Public Suffix List.
- rinvex / repository - An independent implementation of the Repository pattern. Sent tkf .
- paragonie / halite - Cryptographic library for PHP. An example of using Halite for two-way encryption of email messages.
- dunglas / doctrine-json-odm - ODM for Doctrine with support for JSON types added in PostrgeSQL and MySQL.
- JakubOnderka / PHP-Parallel-Lint - A syntax checking tool that parses files in parallel.
- Codeception / AspectMock 2.0 - A library for creating test twins, allowing you to make moki literally for everything.
- Bacon / BaconQrCode - QR-code generator.
- paragonie / multi_factor - The purpose of the library is to implement a single interface for working with various providers of two-factor authentication. Out of the box, GoogleAuth is supported.
- simplesamlphp / simplesamlphp - Implementation of the SAML standard, in turn, used to implement single sign-on (SSO) technology.
- heiglandreas / JUnitDiff - The library allows you to show what has changed between the two runs of PHPUnit tests.
- bitExpert / disco - DI container compatible with the container-Interop standard . Detailed tutorial on how to use.
- gabrielbull / omnimail - A library for sending letters using popular mailing services: AmazonSES, Mailgun, Mandrill and others.
- PiPHP / GPIO - Library for accessing Raspberry Pi from PHP. Support Tutorial .
- hoaproject / Websocket - Suitable implementation of the client and server websocket.
- pavelfluffy / connector - Signals and slots in PHP. Same as in Qt. Almost.
- larabros / elogram - A library for accessing the Instagram API in the style of Eloquent.
- klermonte / zerg - Library for convenient parsing of structured binary data.
- php-ai / php-ml - A library with the implementation of machine learning algorithms in PHP.
Learning Materials
- grena / gruik - Markdown notes service, implemented on Symfony.
- veloxy / purl - Link shortener implemented on Symfony. Sent tkf .
- Creating a blog on Symfony 2.8 lts [Part 6]
- REST API on Symfony, FOSRestBundle + GlavwebDatagridBundle
- Report from Symfony Moscow Meetup June 2
- yii2-migration-generator - Annotation-based migration file generator for yii2.
- Yii2 File Upload Processing Tutorial
- Official HTTP client for Yii 2 released
- Hackathon by Yii Framework in TACC
- Some useful tricks for developing on Yii 2
- Zizaco / entrust - Role-based access control.
- tightenco / mailthief - Extension for testing mail sending.
- canvasowl / ribbbon - A simple project management system based on Laravel.
- Laravel Doctrine - Doctrine2 instead of Eloquent for Laravel. Post in support.
- spatie / laravel-activitylog - A package for logging events and actions in a Laravel application. Post in support.
- Hifone / Hifone - Forum engine.
- austintoddj / Canvas - Laravel-based blogging engine. Sent tkf .
- We write advanced search filters for Eloquent
- Bloom Filter in PHP - On the implementation of a fast probabilistic data structure .
- Your own custom annotations - more than just comments - Example using doctrine / annotations .
- A series of tutorials on creating an application using the principles of MonoRepo, CQRS, Event Sourcing, TDD.
- PHP, Arduino and Minecraft , 2
- Zend Cycle Bypass Macros (HashTable Iteration)
- We are writing an extension for PHP (7.0.7) without knowledge of C / C ++ and how it generally works
- Debugging php functions using phpdbg, as an alternative to Xdebug via IDE
- Geographer package - first working version
- How to start developing a large, atypical project. Practical guide
- Impressions of the best reports at the International PHP Conference
- Process action management. No RPS Limit Exceeded (QPS) API
- PHP Tools for Japanese
Audio and video
- DevConf2016 - Security: From Fundamentals to PHP Features
- PHP Roundtable # 47: All About HTTP / 2
- PHP Roundtable # 48: Docker & PHP
- PHP Town Hall: Episode 50: Low down on PSR-15 - Discussion of PHP Middleware.
- PHP Serbia Conference 2016 - Video recordings of reports.
- PHP Sucks - A post from a well-known member of the PHP community Evert Pot, in which he writes about the poor reputation of PHP and why he decided to switch to another language.
- PHP took 6th place in the ranking of programming languages TIOBE
- - A new tool that displays the PHP Internals newsletter in a convenient way and makes it easy to follow discussions.
Thanks for attention!
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