The direction of "Photonics" at the Olympiad "I am a professional", or how to enter the magistracy without exams

    Now are the last days of registration for the qualifying stage of the Olympiad for students " I am a professional ." Today we will talk about the direction of "Photonics".

    The general partner of the Olympiad in the areas of ITMO University is “Computer Science”, “Information and Cyber ​​Security”, “ Big Data ” - Sberbank.

    Maximilian Paradiz / Flickr / CC BY

    What is “I am a professional?”

    The task of the competition “I am a professional” is to help students grow in their chosen scientific field and develop their professional skills while working in companies of international level. Students can take undergraduate and graduate studies in a variety of areas: from physics and astronomy to nanoelectronics and metrology.

    We immediately supervise five areas of the Olympiad: "Information and Cybersecurity", " Computer Science ", " Big Data ", " Robotics " and "Photonics".

    Why participate? Participants will have the opportunity to enroll in Russian universities without entrance exams and to “ take a stand ” in large Russian companies: Rosnano, Rostec, Lensvet, Russian Technologies, Schwabe and many others.

    How will the Olympiad be held?  The Olympiad consists of two rounds: qualifying and final. The first will be held online from November 24 to December 9 (  you can register until November 22). Students who have completed two (or more) courses from an approved MOOC list may not participate .

    The final stages will be held at several universities in the country.

    They "start" in February 2019. For example, our universities-co-organizers are NI TSU, MEPI, SSUGiT, Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev (OSU). The Methodological Commission of the Olympiad includes representatives of universities MIIGAiK, MSTU. Bauman, SSAU them. Queen.

    What will be the job. The Olympiad is designed for mass participation. In each variant there are tasks of basic and complicated types. They are made up of representatives from different universities, which provides balanced conditions for all participants, regardless of the level of training and the university.

    The tasks will require students not only basic knowledge and skills, but also creative abilities, ingenuity and imagination. At the same time, the number of tasks was chosen so that in the allotted time it was impossible to solve them all. Such a format - implying work in a tight time frame - allows you to identify the most talented students.

    The qualifying round consists of tasks that imply closed and open answers. The tasks of the final round will include practical cases.

    Photonics at ITMO University

    Photonics is the industry of the future. Photonics devices are widely used in everyday life - these are lasers, LEDs, LCD displays. Now actively developing light Wi-Fi (Li-Fi) and quantum computers. We are also engaged in photonics researchers at ITMO University. Examples of work include:
    • Development of a lens for star sensors. Such devices are used for the orientation of spacecraft in space. The created lens has a higher field of view and a wider spectral range in comparison with analogues.
    • Development of a solar panel at the n- (ZnO: Al-Ag NP) / p-CuAlO2 heterojunction. It is designed for use in screens of electronic devices and allows you to increase the duration of the phone in talk mode for one minute with three minutes in the light.
    • Interactive optical maze. The system is used in the educational process. It contributes to the development of practical and creative skills of students, and also stimulates interest in learning the basics of geometric optics.
    These are not all the projects our students, graduate students and assistant professors are working on. You can learn more about the developments in the scientific information bulletin of the ITMO University .

    We have a lot of experience in organizing All-Russian student competitions, such as Optotechnika , Physics, and international conferences like Optical Congress and FLAMN. At the same time, ITMO University for more than 20 years is the base university of the Federal educational and methodical association of universities of the Russian Federation in the areas of photonics, instrument making, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies. This gives us the opportunity to attract highly qualified methodologists, carry out examination of assignments, organize webinars, draw up internship programs.

    The direction of the Olympics "Photonics": what you need to know

    We decided to benefit from the rich experience of the university in the field of photonics and create the appropriate direction at the Olympiad "I am a professional". The methodical commission and the jury include highly qualified teachers of the faculties of the mega-faculty of photonics: applied optics, laser photonics and optoelectronics, Physics and Technology, photonics and optoinformatics.

    What to prepare for

    A feature of the Olympiad in "Photonics" is the versatility of the professional field. Topics range from materials science and chemical technology to optical engineering and quantum technology.

    The tasks of the first correspondence round relate to a greater degree to the basic concepts of photonics — physical and applied optics, optical materials and technologies, sources and receivers of radiation. Absentee round is held in test mode. In the correspondence tour it is not necessary to do all the tasks of the option. We suggest that you first get acquainted with the subject of the tasks and select those that best suit your educational program.

    An example of a task that can occur at the Olympiad:

    An anti-reflective coating 110 nm thick with a refractive index n smaller than that of glass was applied to the lens surface. At what value of the refractive index will this coating be “antireflection” if light with a wavelength of 550 nm falls normally to the surface of the lens? (The decision can be viewed in our video .)

    The second webinar, conducted by the Associate Professor at the Faculty of Applied Optics of the ITMO University, Galina Eduardovna Romanova.

    An on-site tour (final) is aimed at solving problem-oriented tasks, cases. Here you will have to demonstrate not only basic knowledge and skills, but also professional competencies, as well as soft skills - creativity, abstract thinking, etc. Students will solve problems on the Yandex.Contest platform.

    In preparation, we recommend watching the webinars, at which representatives of the methodical commission review the tasks of the absentee round of the Olympiad, as well as get acquainted with examples of tasks and literature for preparation. All materials are available to registered members.

    In the first webinar, Polozkov Roman Grigorievich, a leading researcher and associate professor at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, examines such topics as interference, diffraction and polarization of light:

    We also recommend to pay attention to the courses devoted to photonics from this list MOOC . By the way, with two certificates for “Good” and “Excellent”, a student can skip the qualifying round and go directly to the internal stage of the Olympiad.

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