Artificial intelligence is also mistaken. As Amazon Go shortcuts us in the USA - a store of the future without cashiers and sellers

On January 22, 2018, Amazon opened the world's first store without cash desks and sellers for residents in Seattle, and on October 23, such an innovative store opened in San Francisco. The store of the future without cash desks and sellers Amazon Go allows you to simply pick up products from the shelves and go out! The method of "pick up and leave" is already called by many as the "future of retail sales" and its mass distribution is expected very soon. Amazon Go is currently open in only three cities: three in Seattle, two in Chicago, and one in San Francisco. The company said it hopes to open 3,000 Amazon Go stores by 2021.

We visited the store of the future without cashiers and sellers in San Francisco in the first week of its opening, where we tested in detail the algorithms of machine learning and computer vision, the range of goods and their prices.

So, to start making purchases, at the entrance to the store you need to scan a personal QR code in the previously downloaded Amazon Go application on your smartphone. You need to enter the store through turnstiles, like in the metro or bus, several people have one account, but for this you need to scan the QR code each time, letting the guests go ahead. In this case, when the products are taken by your companion / CA, the purchase will be recorded to the account holder's account.

When visiting, you need to remember two basic rules:

  1. You can not take to transfer the product from one buyer to another;
  2. When returning a product taken from a shelf, it must be put in the same place.

After entering the store, the complex Amazon system with hundreds of sensors on the shelves and computer vision cameras on the ceiling begins to monitor in detail the behavior of the person in the store. The automated system Amazon Go using machine learning accumulates an array of data to identify any product in the store with the buyer without barcodes and chips on the goods.

The obvious advantages of this technology are the elimination of queues in supermarkets and the reduction of employees in the store. Apparently, since the system is only running in and people get to know how it works, the number of sales consultants per meter of retail space of the store of the future Amazon Go is now off scale. In addition, there are cooks working in culinary and employees who monitor the sales of alcohol and check the documents of buyers.

It should be noted that this system allows you to collect a huge amount of data to analyze customer behavior, which allows Amazon to enter a new level of the big data market. The statistics obtained can be used to improve the location of products, prices, assortment and even ingredients.

During our visit and an informal test of the automated system, she gave an error - we received an invoice for the goods that we looked at in the store but did not buy . We must pay tribute that the refund took less than 1 minute and did not require any proceedings with the support service or “cashiers” of the store.

To see a detailed overview of the store, assortment and return of mistakenly paid goods, watch the video below.

Do you think that such automated stores without cashiers will be successful in Russia?

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