Review of blogs No. 39. Banal review of blogs

    Now with noir taste

    How tired of these reviews! Some fools are pushing to give birth to some semblance of a meaningful text, while others are still observing this. Banality creates banality? The circle closes - and we, like hamsters in a wheel, move from one blog to another until the shoulder is tired of holding our tongue. The feeling of satiety and disgust was so unexpected that no cure was found. What is it? Vitamin deficiency, is such seasonal melancholy normal or is it enlightenment and the acquisition of the meaning of life? Chap. ed. says that salvation is in diversity. He says that all centenarians of KV will someday die. You understand? We all will die! In fact, it is comforting. He says that you need to do what is interesting. Tell me, answer me, are you interested in dying? And I'm about the same, and me too.

    Surprisingly, there are still people appearing on the Internet who are engaged in the same masturbation as I - seek out intelligent life among stillborn stitches. Browse blogs. Firstly, these are the BY Blogal Review Tutes . No, I don’t know why the name is in English. Yes, there they write only about LJ. Yes, only about Belarusian LJ. No, not in Belarusian. Yes, only the best. No, I don’t know how they determine it. No, not once a week, but every 2-3 days. Yes, grateful readers send links to them. Yes, all this is also absolutely pointless. They, too, will all someday die. In addition, I am alarmed when they directly declare to me that " It is very pleasant to be friends with us, you will like it! "

    Secondly, the Music Look website was a real discovery in every sense for me.. This is a really normal, professional review of blogs, and not my amateur attempts. Here is what the creators themselves say about their project: " A look at the Russian LJ segment through the prism of musical interest. We look and select the most interesting news, events, reviews, opinions and give them to you in one post ." All entries are conveniently divided into the correct headings such as "Events", "Live Musicians", "Reviews" and so on. I promise that I will definitely communicate with the leaders of this site, which will be immediately reported to you. If I don’t die, of course.

    Third, an old friend, the Catch community. At first, it was conceived as a friend-tape, but only for posts that were entered by friends in memorisation (nothing that I am not in Russian?). As a result, it became an ordinary trash of links to various, probably interesting messages. In general, there are no descriptions except the number of words. And then, God forbid, a tired reader will not master a large number of letters. A beautiful mirror of the modern world - we read not what is interesting, but what is less.

    Fourth, Denis again resumed his ongoing publication of new blogs . I look at these placers and again longing rolls over me in a three-meter wave. I remember a joke about a wife who constantly bakes pies, and her husband thoughtfully says: “But someone eats them ...” They constantly send me letters asking: “ How to get into the review?". I follow the links in these letters and cry, go and cry. You, unlike me, see only quality blogs that are interesting. I have to read all of them. Imagine that you bought together with your favorite" K. Vesti " all the publications in the BelSoyuzPchati booth. All these are Hunter and Beaver, Entertainment and Hormones and Wow! Schoolgirl! And then they all read them. How do you feel?

    And yet I insist on the topic of death. Yes, Ilya Kormiltsev is dead. If you don’t know who he is, then I sincerely wonder how you can read. Naturally, the blogosphere is full familiarize informative entries RIP No, again, I do not know why in English. And why the acronym, I do not know. However, there were some really emotional records, the authors of which did survive the loss. That's one of those records. I’ll also add a message from Alexander Zhitinsky (writer, film playwright, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Noon, XXI Century), who recalls the first time he heard “Chained by One Chain”. Well, 32 pages of comments on the last entry in his diary became the Internet epitaph for the main rock poet of the last years of the USSR .

    How do you feel about homosexuals? And to the Nazis? And to the Nazi homosexuals? Although the fame of a clown was firmly entrenched in me at KV forums, now I am absolutely serious. I ask you to familiarize yourself with the Conservative Manifesto of Russian Gays". In absentia, I foresee mass hysteria according to Khaletsky, who is engaged in the propaganda of fascism and same-sex love. Just give, at least this time, you will first follow the link and read everything there. And then you will face it, for enlightenment will come upon you, and you will understand that I am promoting a Tokmo idiocy in the most neglected forms. And you will rejoice at the fact that you have brains in your skull, not worms, and buy me a kilogram of butterscotch as a present. No, I still can not resist and I will quote one thing: " We oppose the comparison of homosexuality with all vuyuschimi perversion and mental illness are recognized as such by modern medicine, we do not have to do with them. Perversions, apart from sadomasochism, are not human nature and distort its very essence . "

    After such news that Yandex.Tape shows the passwords of LiveJournal users, more precisely, it showed it, because the bug has already been fixed, it seems to be something sweet and almost native. Although the fun sailors managed to play with those accounts to which they managed to get. Well, you know, we all die, so we smile and wave.

    We continue the topic of idiots. On the first channel, there is a comfortable program “Let them talk” with a talking head Andrei Malakhov as a presenter. I would never have thought that reading the description of the program (a lot of letters!) Would be much more interesting to me than watching it. Recommended for all people with a clean, shampoo-washed head and sense of humor. Oh, yes, and fans of the Moral Code group, in general, and Sergei Mazaev in particular. The silence of the lambs and the hysteria of morons .

    Creativity - this is such garbage, which is, and then immediately not. And then you go boiling, nagging rhymes, from a love and nightingale some kind of brew. The street is writhing languageless - it has nothing to scream and talk. Mayakovsky, by the way, sorry for the intelligence. Apparently, the anonymous Bobruisk poetess decided - that's enough! And it became the language of the streets, more precisely, mezhraybazy . The mood of the book is set already from the section "about the author". I quote: “ After reading poetry [the name of the poetess], I want to walk barefoot in the garden, admire the dew, breathe the smell of lilacs, help agronomists in their hard work, note the work of sellers, accountants, commodity experts. Let's glorify consumer cooperation in poetry, touching poetry .”

    On Tuesday, a letter signed in the Russian LiveJournal service circulated in RuNet. A letter on behalf of the Sup company contains a proposal to blog for celebrities. " When you are not up to LJ, our blog secretary can publish entries and respond to comments," the letter says. “Soup never sent anyone such a letter, period ,” said the blogger of the “Soup” Anton Nosik about this. He also hints that the provocation was launched from competing blogging, calling the letter “the next self-made stuffing with,” WebPlaneta reports .

    The British publisher Penguin together with the University of De Montfort in Leicester invited everyoneparticipate in writing a collective novel based on the principles of the Wikipedia network encyclopedia. The future book received the proper name - "Million Penguins." All participants are allowed to write their own episodes, edit, edit and delete strangers, as the terms of the project say. To ensure that the authors comply with the rules of decency, there will be students attending a course in the basics of writing and new media at De Montfort University. The final version of the novel will not be signed by any one name, none of the co-authors of The Million Penguins will receive copyright to the book. During the six weeks during which the project will be open, the development of the text will be monitored by the editor of Penguin's Viking publishing house. He will post his observations on a special blog, Radio Liberty reports .

    Courier Alexei KHALETSKY

    Published in Computer News (No. 6, 2007)

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