Review of blogs No. 37. Blogging News
    In LJ, the boom of various blog awards continues. At first, the Parker Prize was summed up , and then they took up the films .

    Meanwhile, the American authorities decided to officially grant bloggers the rights of journalists. The two-year negotiations of the Association of US Media Bloggers with the judiciary were successful. Web diary authors now have the right to be accredited to federal and state courts along with official media reporters. The site reports

    The following link will show you clearly, simply and beautifullyhow to deal with live tags. How to make creeping lines, centering, indexes, footnotes, how to change font colors and sizes, etc. Only too smart person will not understand.

    At the last largest consumer electronics exhibition in the world, Bill Gates spoke about some of the features of the new Windows Vista operating system, in particular, the concept of Connected Experience (which can be translated as “connected or connected experience”), which provides for a more free exchange of information with each other. In fact, Gates decided to adopt one of the most popular phenomena of the modern Internet - users all over the world have millions of blogs that provide a lot of useful and not very information. News agencies around the world are starting to actively use blogs as a news provider, and companies are starting to advertise on popular blogs. In the US, the owner of a popular blog can already make money on their readers. Apparently, Gates, as always, decided to capitalize on the phenomenon, which arose without his participation. For example, this happened in due time with the Internet itself, the role of which the founder of Microsoft initially underestimated. Now the company's software products are actually built on the basis of Internet technologies.

    Let's wave and talk about cinema. First, find out in detail and with a detailed description of how and where “Operation Y” was shot. Indeed, a lot of work has been done by people to collect all the necessary information. So, for example, the construction site on which the action takes place in the first short story periodically moves from the Moscow Sviblovo district to Odessa. And the walk of Shurik and Nina, with their nose buried in the synopsis, was filmed in Yalta.

    And at the following link you will see the box office of the Russian film distribution from 2000 to 2006. Certain work has also been done to collect information. It is interesting that, starting in 2004, only Russian paintings are constantly leading the rating.

    Kamrad detailed on the shelvesthe film "Highway to Nowhere" and quite convincingly retold what this strange movie is about.

    A week ago, the FeedBurner service, which allows website and blog owners to manage their RSS feeds and make money from advertising on them, has set a ban on indexing their users ’feeds via the robots.txt file. As a result, a number of Russian bloggers using FeedBurner’s self-promotion service flew out of Yandex’s search for blogs, reports Webplanet. The reasons for the introduction of such severe measures in FeedBurner are still unknown. Webplanet experts put forward two versions. The lofty version suggests that FeedBurner recently rolled out a new statistics system for users and may have decided to clean these statistics from the noise generated by search engine bots. Another, simpler version is that the service, which serves more than half a million RSS feeds, is experiencing heavy loads from search engines, which also steal content for their own purposes. Now Yandex has introduced a temporary bypass of robots.txt for the FeedBurner service. FeedBurner developers probably wanted to restrict access for robots to conventional search engines, but they did not think that blog search engines could be guided by robots.txt. A few days later, FeedBurner abandoned this ban. According to Eric Olson, one of the FeedBurner service executives, told Webplanet, “We just wanted to test something. Now we have returned everything to its place and again let all the bots go. ” This action revealed, at a minimum, that Yandex allows itself to easily bypass the ban on indexing through robots.txt - although Yandex’s own recommendations clearly indicate that it is in this way that you can leave the search. Thus, the standard provided by this file is now completely unnecessary, even if the “white” search engines do not comply with it, that Yandex allows itself to easily bypass the ban on indexing through robots.txt - although Yandex’s own recommendations clearly indicate that it is in this way that you can leave the search. Thus, the standard provided by this file is now completely unnecessary, even if the “white” search engines do not comply with it, that Yandex allows itself to easily bypass the ban on indexing through robots.txt - although Yandex’s own recommendations clearly indicate that it is in this way that you can leave the search. Thus, the standard provided by this file is now completely unnecessary, even if the “white” search engines do not comply with it,sums up all the same Web Planet.

    Each writer has his own style . I’ll allow myself a quote: “ Nikitin wrote the book“ How to Become a Writer ”, in which he gave a lot of useful tips to beginners. He gives really good tips. He does not recommend, for example, using extra-long concatenated constructions, complex sentences, complex ones, numerous turns, divided commas are generally bad form, and it’s not worth mentioning notorious girls with defiantly protruding secondary sexual characteristics, all kinds of superheroes with bi epsov sleeves, his pants too, popped - also from the pressure, clear the stump . "

    According to information from official sources, by the end of 2006, the number of Internet bloggers in China reached 20.8 million; over three million of them regularly publish their notes. Xinhua News Agency, citing the 2007 China Internet Survey Report, reported that in 2006, 101 million visits to Chinese blogs were recorded. In particular, the report cites Huang Chengging of the China Internet Association: “Blogs have gradually become a new channel for sharing information on the Web; "many public figures and ordinary people turn to blogs to express their thoughts." According to the report, the government’s concern over the popularity of blogs lies at the heart of the decision to develop new rules,

    I'm in a hurry to finish it.

    Aleksey KHALETSKY

    Published in Computer News (No. 3, 2007)

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