Playing tickets to the workshop "Advanced React State Management With MobX"

    Hi, hablochiteli! We have great news. As soon as our colleagues learned that Michel Weststrate was ready to do a workshop in Moscow, they immediately assembled a group of people willing. And they decided to play two tickets to the master class among the readers of Hubroblog. Read about the workshop and the conditions of the draw under the cut.

    What will be the
    workshop "Advanced React State Management With MobX"

    About what the workshop
    MobX is one of the most downloaded packages in the React ecosystem. Yet you might not have used it. MobX takes a reactive model. The result of that is very straightforward, concise code. For which reason it is used in large companies like Microsoft (it powers the new outlook web), SAP and Amazon.

    In this workshop, we will learn about MobX and MobX in combination with React. We will start with the basics. What is the philosophy behind MobX? How do you reason with MobX. What is transparent reactivity? You will learn how to avoid common pitfalls. You can use MobX to crank out PoCs. It is described in more than 1500 classes.

    In the afternoon, we will dive into the processes of hydration. We will take you to the mobx-state-tree, which helps you to find out what you need to do. , patch generation, middleware etc.
    It is a fact that you can’t use it.

    The author and trainer
    Michel Weststrate is the author of the MobX library - a new global trend of working with the state of the application in frontend-development.
    Interview Michel:
    Library: and
    Twitter: @mweststrate
    Medium: @mweststrate

    To participate in the raffle, you must send questions (in English) on working with the state on the client. The right to choose the winners is reserved for Michel Weststrate. The author of the most liked question will get a place.
    We accept questions through the form until November 16. Winners will be announced on November 20th.

    The working language of the workshop

    Date and duration of the workshop
    November 26, 10.00-19.00.

    Moscow Office Mail.Ru Group, Leningradsky Prospect, 39, p. 79.

    UPD: Michelle chose winners whom we are pleased to invite to the workshop:
    • Why we need React.js, if every [DOM] node may controls by MobX reactivity? Artyom Harutyunyan.
    • What is the best practice to keep state consistant during async code execution? Sergey Utkin.

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