Leak ... or a frivolous post about serious things

    “I am hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget,” the information from my computer whispered to me. “Well, it’s not so difficult to find a free Internet in our age, to forget is easy. But what’s easy to lose - she didn’t lie here, ”I thought in response. One gets the feeling that it is precisely such dialogues that occur in the minds of millions of people on the planet: celebrities, billionaires, and simple careless users. It seems that they are saved or a backup of their own memory is constantly being created in their head, and the gadgets do not break or get lost. There is nothing more for us to explain the fact that the total damage from data leaks in 2015 amounted to more than $ 27 billion, and the average damage from one leak increased from $ 25.29 million in 2014 to $ 33.22 million in 2015, and the absolute leakage leadership - 43% - in the public sector. From day to day, more and more stories appear about lost data and information leaks. Judge for yourself.

    But who needs my data!

    Guys, we have bad news for you - each of us is a data carrier that sooner or later someone will need.

    • Payment data (PIN codes, numbers and dumps of plastic card tapes, SIM card information, and even a dump from an NFC chip) is the tidbit for cyber fraudsters of all levels. This information can be used to cash funds, pay for goods and forged data when committing criminal offenses.

    • Personal data (passport data, mail, phone number) is also very valuable information. In the best case, spammers and companies who will call you and send you newsletters about services will be happy to buy it. At worst, you can become the owner of a loan or lose money, or even get involved in an unpleasant story with fake documents.

    • Commercial data is the main value of a business. And the farther, the more the price of information loss increases. Here the scope of hackers is endless: from simple data corruption to competitive intelligence and theft of customer bases. Among other things, the company may suffer reputational risks due to loss of customer data (the stories with Megaphone and Salesforce are still alive). By the way, if the company has corporate software and no backups - this is completely in vain. Indeed, besides hackers, there are dishonest employees who, upon dismissal (or without it), can cause irreparable damage to commercial information.

    How do we lose? Just store all the eggs in one basket.

    • Data can be corrupted due to a malicious virus - with a good antivirus, history is unlikely, but does everyone have it? Recall at least the recent history of the virus from mail attachments - he spoiled many of his nerves.

    • Intentional hacking, including the services you use. As we have already said, our accounts and user data are very interesting information for scammers and dishonest business representatives. That is why information about mass hacks so often appears.

    • Accidental deletion of information - you yourself inadvertently can erase important files. This is a very offensive phenomenon, but is found everywhere. Most often this happens when part of the storage media is freed.

    • Damage to the storage medium. There is probably no person who at the dawn of the existence of external hard drives did not encounter their sudden death from a fall, concussion or just that. (Already we will not remind about demagnetized diskettes with computer science students, not everyone is so old on Habré). Similarly, microSD may be damaged if the phone falls. Backups and backup storage will save the situation.

    • Loss or theft of the storage medium can lead not only to the loss of your favorite photos and contacts, but also to real problems - if the payment data and logins / passwords are stored in the browser in the lost device, the owner can be significantly damaged.

    • Failures in the operating system can also cause data loss.

    • And that too;)

    “Look over my shoulder and die!”

    It is impossible to insure against everything - in some cases, the users themselves are powerless to take any measures. But, of course, it is no coincidence that World Backup Day (March 31) takes place on the eve of fool's day, because most security holes arise through the fault of the user himself. And this applies to all.

    Only facts, only hardcore

    Smash google thunder!

    One in a million case. Not for one million ... Dollars ... Google announced the irrevocable destruction of a small part of the data due to lightning striking Google’s data center in Belgium. August 13, 2015 - lightning struck the data center's power system four times in a row. This briefly de-energized the data center, in which the virtual machines of clients using the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) were stored and stored their data there. Google experts noted that during the period from August 13 to August 17, 2015, I / O errors were observed in virtual machines when trying to access network drives connected to them. In general, at least one I / O error occurred on approximately 5% of network drives in the European zone. In addition, during the indicated period it was not possiblePerform some management operations, such as creating snapshots. For Google, this is not so much of the data, but what was it like for companies whose information and processes were affected. Now they know that there are lightnings in the clouds.

    What "careless" people are in Hollywood!

    Celebrities are probably not very worried about earthly affairs and often do not care so much about personal data. Thanks to their carelessness, the world periodically sees the collections of “nudes”, is the first to know about the latest in technology and music, and enjoys the personal correspondence of show business stars and politicians. Someone will say that this is cheap PR! Not a fact, it's just the inability to make backups and protect your data.

    Employeeone of the Hollywood film studios intended to throw several boxes of papers into a garbage container, but was stopped by an information security expert. The expert bought the contents of the boxes and found a paper catalog with personal data of American celebrities. Including full names, social security numbers and phone numbers of Alec Baldwin, Kevin Bacon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump.

    In September 2015, the mansion of the popular singer Dmitry Bilan was robbed. His voice was stolen not only from a safe with a large sum of money, but also hard drives with recordings of his performances.

    In July 2015, the rap artist Vasily Oblomov appeared on Twitter “Does anyone reading me know a way to recover files deleted from a MacBook? Deleted from trash. " For some reason, it was not possible to restore data using Time Machine. In general, Oblomov got a bummer. Vasily, if you are reading this, tell me how the data is there, did you manage to do something? We worry.

    But Sasha did well! Be like Sasha.

    In November 2015, stylist-in-shock Sergei Zverev became a victim of online scammers, they gained access to scandalous celebrity accounts on social networks, deleted all materials, including photos and videos, and then blocked access to profiles. First of all, hackers began to “clean up” Zverev’s Instagram page, then they removed the materials from YouTube’s video hosting, and finally, they completely removed the video blogs. Yes, these are not wolves shameful hackers, these are orderlies of the Internet forest .

    But social networks and YouTube know a lot about backups and the mission, alas, failed.

    But this is without loss of irony and sarcasm loss. In April 2015, Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist for Metallica, admitted that work on the new album could be slowed down because the musician lost his iPhone six months ago. On the phone, in a single copy, 250 ready-made guitar parts were stored - more than half of those that were recorded for the record. Only eight were remembered. Kirk, old man, how is it ?! Come to us at Acronis , we’ll show you everything. We are this ... we cannot live without this:

    As you can see, no one is safe from epic fails. Have you also once been among these people? Tell your story about data loss in the comments - you need more trash, hardcore and nightmare stories! We are ready to comfort the victims of the lack of backups in every possible way and will give the most-most pleasant comforting gifts, for example, a music column and keys for Acronis True Image Cloud with an unlimited cloud . Summarize the day on March 31! And announce the winners!
    Data stole, steal and will steal. This is an integral attribute of the era of informatization, there is no escape from it. Hackers can be guided by simple excitement, the desire to get personal and behavioral data for spam mailings, resale, blackmail and other cybercrimes. But even if you do not have millions of accounts in the best banks in Switzerland, a hundred gigabytes of compromising materials, a database of customers moving to hypermarkets and 250 landmark solos on an electric guitar, it’s still worth making backups. We all have something to lose: a diploma, memorable photos and videos, work files, a program code, bit by bit collected music collections.

    Do not make yourself nerves, you still have to live with them!

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