Drupal 8 Released
- Transfer

Today, after almost 5 years of development , Drupal 8, a new version of the popular content management system, has been released. This is the largest update in the history of Drupal. Here is a list of a few changes from nearly a hundred improvements in Drupal 8:
- Editing and previewing materials directly on the site using the WYSIWYG editor (CKEditor)
- Integrated management of materials “out of the box” with support for entities, fields and views (views)
- Configuring the content of pages and even forms and pages of the "admin" using the administrative interface
- Full support for out-of-box translatability and localization
- Robust configuration management for safe and easy transfer of changes between development environments
- HTML5 responsive and mobile-friendly markup
- Support for REST services
- Improved Availability and WAI-ARIA Support
- Support for modern PHP standards and practices with the integration of popular libraries such as Composer, Symfony2, Guzzle and Twig
- Out of the box performance significantly improved
- Improved caching and best-of-breed support for CDN and reverse proxies
- Full support for PHP7, PostgreSQL and SQLite
- … And much more
A complete list of changes is described in CHANGELOG.txt .
Download Drupal 8 .
Try the Drupal 8 demo .