Take your data, untie your mail and run with qip.ru


    Because QIP looks like a RIP

    After reading the two sentences from the headline, some of Habr's guests will experience a kind of " Mandela effect ". Indeed, according to popular opinion, the QIP project has long been dead. And no! It completely existed and even worked more or less, until recently ... The

    once-popular portal QIP.ru, which now lost its former glory, which at a certain stage included a news aggregator, forums, mail, messenger, photo hosting and other services, finally came in complete decline. From about August 20, 2018, constant interruptions in authorization in services, access to mailboxes and delivery of letters began. As of September 25, 2018 QIP.ru periodically goes into complete unavailability up to several days.


    At one of the moments of “enlightenment”, when the site started working again, the current owners posted an advertisement for the sale of the domains that form the portal mail pool. The ad hung a couple of days down between several downtimes, and then disappeared.

    Technical support is not provided to users. The technical support section is not available. No warnings about EOL ( End of Life - end of service) or long technical work was sent. Here is such an inglorious end.

    UPD In the comments offered instructions on survival.
    UPD of September 29, 2018 Now the portal is relatively operable, and the inscription appeared on it:
    The project was sold to Prestige Media LLC. We update server hardware. From October 1, 2018, the project will continue full-fledged work and development. Everything will be fine :) All the world! :)

    UPD from December 21, 2018 Kipov domain mail was transferred to Yandex!

    The history of rise and fall. Who is responsible?

    According to Wikipedia , the project began work on September 1, 1999, when the registration of mailboxes of 20 MB in the domains pisem.net and mailru.com was opened. At the moment (the beginning of 2018), has provided postal addresses in more than 22 domains.

    July 1, 2000 the project was acquired by the RBC group of companies.

    The project was named Pochta.ru in 2004. The merger of the project nm.ru and Pochta.ru took place on February 25, 2009. The merger of the project QIP.ru and Mail.ru took place on December 9, 2009. The main domain of the project since 2009 is qip.ru.

    In 2013, the official portal community in the VC ceased to be updated.

    In March 2015, RBC sold a number of services.private investors. The list of items includes the portal QIP.ru, News.qip.ru, educational database 5ballov.qip.ru, service test selections Aeterna.qip.ru, astrological service Horo.qip.ru, service of postcards Kards.qip.ru, Radio .qip.ru, Photobank Photo.qip.ru, service for creating screenshots of Shot.qip.ru, forums Borda.ru and Forum24.ru, service for storing and exchanging data Files.qip.ru and mail qip.ru.

    In June 2015, the domain pochta.ru was sold to RBC Mail of Russia through an intermediary company . But QIP.ru users have retained access to their email accounts as a result of a tripartite agreement.. From September 2017, the pochta.ru postal service of the domain stopped working with new letters (new letters arrived until November 2017), access to mail accounts was maintained on the website www.qip.ru.

    At the end of August 2018 with the QIP.ru portal and its services began a continuous series of serious problems that can hardly be called "temporary difficulties". The term “epic failure” is most appropriate. In the pauses between the complete inaccessibility of the main site showed notifications of "technical work" and "moving to another data center."

    According to " Noviye Izvestiya " as of August 2018, the owner of the well-known Qip messenger in the past is Media World LLC, which also owns an e-mail mail.qip.ru and a service for creating and using forums borda.ru.

    What is dangerous?

    The situation quickly changes from bad to worse. If the announcement of the sale of domains is not a hoax, then instead of denial of service and the likely loss of data stored on project servers, users may face much more serious consequences. There are no guarantees that the new domain owners will be honest and decent. What prevents them from once again raising mail servers on domains received at their disposal and starting to receive someone else's mail? Surely there are people who have valuable accounts left attached to the mailboxes from the domain pool QIP.ru. Or such a mailbox is listed as a backup in another mail service and you can recover the password to it.

    By the way, the portal qip.ru is the operator of personal data and the current leadership of the portal potentially puts these data at risk by their actions. I wonder when the plot will be interested in RosKomNadzor or another regulatory authority?

    Abandoned users

    In the official community of the QIP portal on the social network in Vkontakte, the last post is dated April 11, 2013. And in the comments to the old topics thousands of fresh complaints from users who have become hostages of the service, remain unanswered.

    Maybe this is just a step in the evolution of the service?

    Trying to understand what the portal is waiting for, I decided to look for information related to the resource. By driving in search engines of various combinations of search phrases with the word QIP, I discovered several seemingly innocuous fresh vacancies from the Evolution company : a PHP programmer one and two times .

    Here is the first one, at the time of creating the screenshot, the QIP portal is mentioned several times in it:


    It looks quite harmless. And now let's see what the potential employer of Evolution LLC itself writes about itself .


    Tax, another crypto-oligarchs and advertisers. There is nothing directly connected with the messenger or mail. And it is not clear what will happen with the service and the brand as a whole, if Evolution really got to QIP.ru

    And what do you think?

    PS It is unlikely that the mail will begin to go to alternative domains QIP.ru in the near future. Many domain names have lost MX-records from the config (as of September 25, 2018).

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in , please.

    Did you use QIP messenger at the time of August 2018?

    • 16.1% QIP 2005 (ICQ only) 369
    • 6.5% QIP 2012 (previously - “QIP 2010” and “QIP Infium”) without accounting on QIP.ru 149
    • 5.1% QIP 2012 (previously - “QIP 2010” and “QIP Infium”) with reference to QIP.ru 117
    • 22.6% used to use QIP 2005 516
    • 24% used QIP 2012, QIP 2010 or QIP Infium 549 before
    • 1.6% used QIP PDA Symbian 38
    • 23.8% never used 544

    What QIP.ru services did you use most often at the time of August 2018?

    • 79.6% none 1702
    • 6.6% mailbox in one of the domain zones 142
    • 12.1% account of the QIP 260 messenger
    • 0.3% photo sharing 7
    • 0.1% file sharing 3
    • 0.2% screenshots sharing 6
    • 0% forums 0
    • 0% abstracts 0
    • 0% postcards 1
    • 0.7% other service 16

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