An army of robots will invade Amazon's warehouses


    Amazon will use 10,000 robots in its warehouses by the end of this year. Amazon

    CEO Jeff Bezos told investors at a shareholders meeting Wednesday that he expects to significantly increase the number of robots that will be used to fulfill customer orders. At the moment, Amazon uses about 1000 of these robots in its warehouses. Their increase will not affect the ordinary employees who are currently working there, said a spokeswoman for Amazon. The robots are made by Kiva Systems , the company that Amazon bought for $ 775 million two years ago.

    All robots are connected in a complex system, the planning and testing of which will take several months, but as soon as this system works, it can save time and reduce costs.

    While robots are already playing an important role in fulfilling stock orders, it may take years before Amazon sends packages directly to the door of the customer’s house using drones . Bezos plans that they will deliver packages to customers in about 30 minutes, but there are a number of legal and technological hurdles that must be overcome before this happens.

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    Translation and article prepared by Telebreeze Team.
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