ProfitTask - a platform for creating user activities platform was launched at the end of 2013 to implement the distribution of tasks between live users. Tasks can be completely diverse, from creating activities on social networks to performing various tasks on sites.

    Until now, ProfitTask has been a closed platform for customers. The system provided only interaction with employees in the services of the ALTWeb Group, such as , , .

    If 5 years ago for the successful promotion of the site everything could be solved exclusively by external factors, i.e. placement of external links to the site. Now the era of advancement is coming at the expense of the actions of living people. What action? Any! Reviews on sites, mentions in social networks, voting, work with search engines, etc. ... There are so many types of tasks, and the needs are so wide that the market requires an open platform that will allow you to implement this wide range of tasks. It is this niche that ProfitTask will occupy.

    ProfitTask is not a bunch of students who are ready to do anything for two pennies. Before launching the project, we made its integration with the user profile analysis system . Thanks to this, you can seeWho does the job today at ProfitTask . Artists at ProfitTask install software that transmits a full ScreenShot of the screen after each step of the job. Thus, you need to decompose any task into successive steps. Based on the result of each step, the contractor will send a screenshot to ProfitTask. All logic is as simple as possible, but allows you to solve almost any problem. 1. You need to create a task template from one or several steps. 2. Create directly the task instances themselves through the ProfitTask or API interface. The whole process is described in detail: - creation of types (templates) of tasks - creation and management of tasks through the interface -


    create and manage tasks via API

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