Sharing knowledge: Master's, StudentTalks, online courses and other learning initiatives

    New school year - it's time to learn. In this post we will share news about highload-magistracy in MAI, online courses and announce the launch of student IT-meetings Avito Student Talks (vote for topics of interest at the end of the post).


    • Master's
    • Online Courses
    • StudentTalks (and voting)


    In May, we talked about the plans to launch the master's program “Designing High-Load Internet Services” based on the MAI with the active participation of Avito employees as teachers, and we have already recruited the first group of students.

    Needless to say, it is very responsible. And it was not easy. Many norms and state standards of higher education do not at all contribute to interaction with business - for example, the Hirsch index and publications in VAK journals are excellent academic characteristics that teachers should formally possess, but the same TOP articles on Habré characterize the IT specialist much better.

    If we talk about competition and recruitment, the numbers are.

    Passed the entrance exams for admission to the specialty: about 250 people;
    Prioritized highload-master: 50 people;
    Students recruited: 11 people.

    The competition was about 5 people per place, which turned out to be the highest figure among the IT-master MAI this year. Next we will try even better.

    Online Courses

    We are experimenting with collaboration formats with many educational online sites, and at the beginning of the summer Avito leading mobile apps developer Alexey Shchukin published a free massive open online course “Multithreading in iOS” , which over the summer recruited 1,788 students and dozens of reviews.

    Here is what Lesha tells about the course:

    The course is suitable for those who want to repeat the basic programming on Swift, as well as in the course of the course you can get acquainted with new multithreaded primitives. Join now!

    Student Talks

    What to do when decided that you want to develop in IT and join the developer community, but there are still a lot of questions that are somehow awkward to ask on "adult" meetings, where are all such pumped?

    We decided to launch the Avito Student Talks series of IT meetings, where we will gather specific tips for beginning developers and students, discuss the trends and nuances of the modern IT industry and, of course, find the answers to any questions that may arise.

    On September 17, at 19:00, our first Moscow meeting will take place in our Moscow office, where we will discuss:

    • how teamwork is organized with developers and what approaches leaders use,
    • how are the various decisions that we make in the development process related to each other,
    • what knowledge you need to take out of the university, and what skills you need to acquire yourself, and most importantly - where to do it.

    Registration is available via the link (we’ll upload the video to the AvitoTech youtube channel ).

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in , please.

    What to dedicate to the nearest Student Talks meetings?

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