DevCon 2014: announcement of the first wave of speakers and reports

    Hello, dear software developers and testers. We continue to work on our DevCon 2014 conference and today we are ready to present the announcement of the first wave of speakers and reports of our most interesting , resort and international conference. Let me remind you that in the framework of the conference we plan to break all the reports into several thematic groups:

    • Development of client applications for the Windows platform and Windows Phone
    • Cloud Computing and Web
    • Tools, development methodologies and programming languages
    • Corporate development, data processing
    • Virtual international track combining reports in English

    Today we present to you the first portion of reports and speakers for each of these groups.

    Development of client applications for the Windows platform and Windows Phone

    One of the largest groups of conference reports is a group dedicated to the development of client and mobile applications on the Windows and Windows Phone platforms.

    Larry Lieberman

    Product manager for the Windows Phone platform, Microsoft
    Rapporteur for the international track

    Larry Lieberman has been using Microsoft development platforms for 14 years, and mobile application development platforms for 10 years. He heard that once mobile technology will conquer the world. Currently developing seven mobile applications, but they have not yet been published. He lives in Seattle (Washington), in his free time brings up a four-year-old daughter.

    Larry will perform as part of the international DevCon report track with a series of sessions devoted to the latest announcements of mobile application development that will be heard during the Build 2014 conference.

    Tim Hoyer

    Lead Product Manager for the Windows Team, Microsoft
    International Track Rapporteur

    Tim Heuer is a Microsoft Program Manager and uses client-side XAML-based user interface development platforms in Windows (formerly Silverlight). Prior to joining the XAML team of engineers, Tim worked with technical communities across the country to help create and develop those that focus on software development technologies. Microsoft began to use development tools and technologies back in the early 1990s.

    Prior to joining Microsoft, he was a consultant for 12 years, helping to implement technological solutions that facilitate successful business in various industries, such as healthcare, construction, real estate and e-commerce. Unfortunately or fortunately, his work is his hobby, he is a true technology fan. Tim practically does not part with the keyboard, wanting to always stay abreast of the latest developments. Tim shares his thoughts on the blog:

    At DevCon 2014, Tim will share with the audience reports on the latest innovations in developing client applications for Windows, which will be presented during the Build 2014 conference.

    Alexander Belotserkovsky

    Strategic Technology Expert, Microsoft

    Alexander is a Microsoft technical evangelist. Prior to joining Microsoft, he had Windows Azure MVP and consulted with Windows Azure customers in Russia and the CIS countries - from startups and developers to corporate users. Regular speaker at Russian and international events (TechEd, DevCon, Windows Camp, InterOp Conf). He considers it his favorite thing to talk about his favorite technologies and how they are changing the world.

    Papers :

    • Project Siena - rapid prototyping and development of business applications on Windows Runtime
    • How to diagnose your application in the cloud? Dive into diagnostics and debugging tools on the Windows Azure platform

    At the DevCon 2014 conference, Alexander will make several presentations on the latest development tools and cloud technologies.

    Sergey Pugachev

    Premier Support Engineer, Microsoft Global Business Support

    Currently Sergey works at Microsoft and supports large customers on software development issues. He is the author of books on developing applications for Windows Phone and Windows 8. He made presentations at numerous conferences, including DevCon, TechEd Russia, Patterns & Practices Summit, and others. In 2009-2012, he was Microsoft MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional).

    Papers :

    • OWIN, Katana, SignalR and ASP.NET Web API are not just bazvords, but a new stage in the development of Microsoft Web platform
    • Hackathon "Coding Night 3.0"

    Within the framework of the DevCon 2014 conference, Sergey will make a presentation on the latest cloud and web development technologies, as well as hold the third third coding night hackathon for the participants, which has already become the brand name of the DevCon series of conferences.

    Mikhail Samarin

    Director, Developer Training and Evangelism, Futurice Ltd
    Microsoft MVP

    Michael speaks at conferences, teaches, programs, leads the team and has the titles of Microsoft MVP and Nokia Developer Champion. His many years of practical experience covers areas such as mobile application development, interactive media installations, forensic research support systems and video surveillance. Currently, Mikhail is the head of the developer training department at the Finnish company Futurice, the official winner of the Best Place To Work in Europe competition in 2012 and 2013.

    Report :

    • Image Processing and Camera Operation on Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 / RT

    Michael will share his experience and deep knowledge on working with cameras and image processing tools of Windows Phone devices, which are especially interesting for Nokia Lumia devices with cameras with impressive capabilities.

    Maria Anikina

    Marketing Communications Manager, Microsoft.

    Has been with Microsoft in Russia since 2007. He is responsible for marketing activities with developers in the areas of Windows Phone and Windows 8 in the Department of Strategic Technologies. Provides support for major Internet companies and individual developers in promoting applications for Windows Phone and Windows 8.

    The topic of Maria’s speech will be the experience of monetization and promotion of mobile applications in Windows and Windows Phone stores. The title of the report will be published shortly.

    Konstantin Kichinsky

    Expert in software development technologies, Microsoft

    Works in Russian Microsoft as an expert in software development technologies at the Department of Strategic Technologies. His main technological interests include client-side web development, design and development of mobile applications and applications for Windows 8.

    The theme of Konstantin's speech will be the design of mobile applications for Windows and Windows Phone platforms. The title of the report will be published shortly.

    Cloud Computing and Web

    DevCon 2014 will feature a host of lectures on web development and cloud technology.

    Vladimir Vinogradsky

    Lead Program Manager, Windows Azure, Microsoft

    Before joining Microsoft, Vladimir Vinogradsky was involved in the development of the Apiphany startup, which was located in Washington. Vlad has been involved in the software development industry for over 20 years as a developer, software architect, and technology evangelist. Before Apiphany, Vlad spent almost ten years at the Microsoft Strategic Technology Department.

    Prior to his work at Microsoft, Vlad developed complex solutions for various tasks, including real-time image processing and recognition, document submission, security, insurance, and so on. Over the years of developing complex solutions, Vlad had experience working with a wide range of platforms, devices, processors and mainframes, as well as programming languages ​​and frameworks. Vlad was born and raised in Moscow, but in 1993 he moved to the United States, today he lives in Seattle, Washington.

    At the DevCon 2014 conference, Vlad will give a presentation on the latest features of the Windows Azure cloud platform. in which participants will be able to learn interesting first-hand details. The exact title of the report will be published shortly.

    Alexey Halyako

    Program Manager, Customer Advisory Team, Microsoft

    Alexey, international track reporter Alexey has been with Microsoft for over 13 years. Initially focused on the requirements for adapting SQL Server for Eastern European markets, for the last 5 years he has been an employee of the Customer Advisory Team . The main focus is on building complex and large data warehouses in areas such as well-known European telecommunications companies, air carriers and other industries. The experience gained in these projects is reflected in various articles published on and, as well as in the reference architecture of Fast Track, in the development of which Alex took part. At the moment, Alexey is also working on projects based on cloud computing and Big Data. Alexey is a graduate of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University).

    Papers :

    • Solving Big Data tasks in the cloud: variety and choice of platforms based on real world examples
    • Report on the collection and effective use of telemetry and data from cloud services in practice

    As part of the report in the cloud reports track, Alexey will talk about the organization, the effective collection and analysis of telemetry data on the operation of cloud services in practice.

    Anton Vidischev

    Team technical leader and senior developer at Edgar Online
    Microsoft MVP The

    report that Anton Vidishchev will be giving at the conference is devoted to architectural approaches and practices that allow developing a scalable and resilient cloud architecture. In the framework of the report, we will consider the identification of the application life cycle model, the strategy of working in the accessibility and failure modes, and most importantly, the newly formed design patterns in the cloud.

    Report :

    • Experience monitoring cloud applications with Application Insights

    Anton will share his experience in using Application Insights in practice for monitoring cloud applications.

    Denis Kretov

    Technical Director, Notissimus

    In 2004, he graduated from St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"). He got a job in the North-West branch of MegaFon OJSC. He was engaged in the development and support of corporate intranet sites of the company. In 2010, he went to work in the ORDER online store, where he was engaged in the development and support of the company's Internet sites. He also created the first mobile application for the Online Store (iPhone version). He continued his experience in developing mobile applications at Metrica (made a version for iPhone, iPad and Android).

    Currently I work in the NOTISSIMUS company, which specializes in the development of mobile applications for online stores.

    Report :

    • Push Notifications and Geofencing? Nothing is easier with Windows Azure Services

    Denis, as an expert and director of a successful cloud-based project in practice, will tell the DevCon 2014 audience about using Windows Azure to solve the practical task of sending push notifications to various platforms.

    Tools, development methodologies and programming languages

    One of the most important topics of the DevCon 2014 conference is the topic of the effective use of application development tools, team development and programming languages.

    Andrew Braggdon

    Visual Studio Online Team Product Manager, Microsoft
    International Track Rapporteur

    Andrew is Program Manager for the Application Insights team at Visual Studio Online. Currently busy with Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio. Prior to that, Andrew was responsible for the functions of CodeLens and Code Map - components of visualization and code analysis, which significantly increase the productivity of programmers.

    Andrew also has research experience; he created a series of information visualizations for software developers, for example, Code Bubbles - a source code visualization tool that allows you to display several functions at once.

    At DevCon 2014, Andrew will share the latest news on Visual Studio and Visual Studio Online development tools. The exact title of the report will be published shortly.

    Dmitry Soshnikov

    Technological Evangelist, Microsoft in Russia

    Ph.D., Microsoft Technology Evangelist in Russia, Associate Professor, Department of Software Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics and Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming, Moscow Aviation Institute, author of Functional Programming in F #. He taught Functional and Logical Programming courses at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics and the Internet University of INTUIT, a member of the F # Software Association (FSSF), the Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence (RAII).

    Report :

    • Reactive Functional Programming in F #: From Real-Time Twitter Analysis to Leap Motion Sensor Programming and Mobile Robots

    At the DevCon 2014 conference, Dmitry will tell the audience about functional programming in F # and the practical application of functional programming for a wide range of tasks: from analytics to robot programming.

    Askhat Urazbayev

    The main ideologist and Scrum specialist at ScrumTrek.

    Most of all, he likes to speak at conferences and give smart advice. Askhat has long been engaged in flexible methodologies, worked as a manager in Agile projects, coached and coached many teams in Russia and the CIS. Prior to Agile, he led the creation and implementation of Luxoft's Standard Process. And even earlier, he worked in various companies, where he went a glorious battle path from a junior developer to a project manager.

    At DevCon 2014, Askhat will share his wealth of experience in organizing the software development process in development teams. The exact title of the report will be published shortly.

    Nikolay Leonov

    Consultant CoreDev, Microsoft

    Since 2012, he has been a consultant to Microsoft, where he works with major customers on the development of highly loaded extensible systems and the implementation of ALM practices. The main areas of specialization at the moment are DI \ IoC solutions, WPF, and the Microsoft Visual Studio extensibility model.

    Report :

    • Developer tools for Microsoft Visual Studio, used in large solutions based on custom frameworks

    At DevCon 2014, Nikolai will give details about the best examples and practices of using Visual Studio development tools in large projects.

    Corporate development, data processing

    During the DevCon 2014 conference, a number of reports will be specially devoted to the topic of corporate development and efficient data processing using the latest Microsoft tools.

    Alexey Shulenin

    Expert in information processing and analysis technologies, Microsoft in Russia.

    Works at Microsoft since 1996. Currently, she holds the position of an expert on information processing and analysis technologies at the Department of Strategic Technologies, provides support to partners-independent software vendors, conducts promotional and educational activities, and makes presentations at conferences on databases and application development issues.

    Report :

    • The internal structure of the analytics and reporting subsystem for the portfolio of development projects in Team Foundation Server 2013

    At the conference, Alexey will share information on the internal structure and practical use of the analytics subsystem for the portfolio of TFS 2013 development projects.

    Dmitry Pilyugin

    Technical Specialist

    The speaker first met SQL Server in 2004. Since then, he has developed solutions in the field of corporate information systems, dealt with query optimization and performance issues. Currently involved in the development of systems associated with the processing of large amounts of data.

    Report :

    • Column Indexes in SQL Server 2014

    Dmitry will tell the DevCon 2014 audience the most interesting and detailed information about the new features of SQL Server 2014 in the field of in-memory technologies and, in particular, about the innovations related to column indexes.

    Andrey Korshikov

    PASS Regional Mentor for Central and Eastern Europe
    Microsoft MVP

    Worked with SQL Server eleven years ago. I had the opportunity to work and pass certification exams for versions of SQL Server from 2000 to 2012. Participant in the conferences SQLSaturday, Platform, DevCon and TechEd. The geography of performances from Sofia to Astana, from Moscow to Tbilisi. The leader of the Krasnodar community of SQL Server specialists.

    Report :

    • A Dozen SQL Server Reporting Services Tips

    Andrey's report will be devoted to the topic of SQL Server Reporting Services, in the framework of which he will share practical tips on the effective use of this technology.

    Sergey Mikhalev

    Team Lead / Software Developer, VIAcode

    Since 2006, VIAcode is a software and team lead developer. For a long time, the main responsibility was to optimize the queries and operation of SQL Server. Speaker at conferences such as SQL Saturday, 24 Hours of PASS, SQA Days, Code Freeze. The author of the blog . He is fond of athletics.

    Report :

    • Dr. House's approach to query optimization

    An interesting report by Sergey, an experienced SQL Server specialist, will focus on optimizing queries for efficient execution.

    See you at DevCon 2014!

    We are working hard to make the next DevCon 2014 even better than the previous ones. Our team is preparing an excellent technical and entertaining program for you. We chose the perfect venue for the conference. And in the list of our speakers the most interesting experts with unique experience and content have already been announced. And he will be replenished weekly with new faces, so stay tuned!

    Last year, tickets to our holiday ended three months before the start. So do not waste time and register today !

    See you at DevCon 2014 - the first international - in May this year!

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