Fantastic story

    In a NASA article : 715 new planets were found, 4 of them may be suitable for life. Impromptu I composed a little story. I bring it below with minimal edits. And the idea was born to write a story specifically for publication on the hub, if, of course, the habrasociety expresses interest.

    The time will come and a pair of stellar scouts will jump out of hyper not far from the stellar system with the planet Kepler-62f. After scanning the surrounding space and making a navigation map of the system, the captains will divide the system into two sectors and begin to map it in more detail. Both ships are also looking for the missing ship “Ray of Dawn”, which, according to the latest reports, was supposed to emerge from the hyper on the other side of the star system and begin to examine it to obtain preliminary data on fitness for use for life. But the scout got in touch only once and then disappeared. People did not wait long and an urgent expedition was formed, the task of which also included, if possible, finding and clarifying the situation with the “Ray”. Nevertheless, in hyperspace people began to move not so long ago and sometimes unknown features were revealed, so any information was useful. And it’s rare that scouts take it and disappear like that - it's still an emergency.

    The captain of the ship "Dawn of Hope" was lucky - it was he who got half the system in which the planet Kepler-62f was located. He guessed this half in good faith with a draw - lucky! Approaching the planet, the whole crew crowded in the observation deck, looking at a new planet. The captain looked at the planet and was secretly proud that it was he who was the first to look at it without using any technical devices - a direct look. This is the second such planet in his career, although the first is still rejected. A new, clean planet that will become the fortress post of humanity in this sector of space. Having thoroughly spoiled the Earth’s ecosystem, people were now more careful about other exoplanets, especially since not all of them were suitable for comfortable living. The process of terraforming to adjust the atmosphere has rarely been carried out on suitable planets, because if the atmosphere was not more or less close to the earthly, it took a great deal of time. Each new intelligence planet discovered by fortune was an event. Yes, they “searched” for them according to previously known coordinates, but actually in the beginning of the 21st century astronomers “painted” pictures of these planets. But a lot of forecasts just did not come true. And that was yes, an event! Moreover, the planet was like Earth. Water, land, areas with snow ...

    “Maybe it will become a new home,” the captain thought: “Although it is unlikely for the first generation.” There was a fact - on any planet the first two waves of settlers wildly yearned for the Earth. Some threw everything and left. Despite subsidies from the central government. Despite the fact that the Earth opened all the latest technologies primarily for settlers, created favorable conditions for expanding the main spheres of life on a new planet - production, agriculture, industry, with the development of the entertainment sector it was generally possible to get rich almost from scratch without any whatever the starting capital. And still, people felt uncomfortable - the color of greenery was not the same, the tone of the sky was not that, the earth felt different to the touch - a bunch of everything “not everything is there.” Of course, not everyone was with such a worldview, but the vast majority. But then a new generation was born, which considered the planet to be its homeland and didn’t really tear anywhere. On the contrary, to play a football match and win against the arriving earthlings turned into national pride. Here we are! Who knew that there was a secret directive of the central government, according to which the sports clubs of the Earth were obliged to give in and lose the first 5 years from the moment the planet adopted the status of settlement. Of course, it was not directly implemented, but there was simply a long chain of bribes and frauds, which led to the fact that it was simply more profitable for athletes from Earth to lose. Earth has done everything to increase the survival of the human race. to play a football match and win against the arriving earthlings turned into national pride. Here we are! Who knew that there was a secret directive of the central government, according to which the sports clubs of the Earth were obliged to give in and lose the first 5 years from the moment the planet adopted the status of settlement. Of course, it was not directly implemented, but there was simply a long chain of bribes and frauds, which led to the fact that it was simply more profitable for athletes from Earth to lose. Earth has done everything to increase the survival of the human race. to play a football match and win against the arriving earthlings turned into national pride. Here we are! Who knew that there was a secret directive of the central government, according to which the sports clubs of the Earth were obliged to give in and lose the first 5 years from the moment the planet adopted the status of settlement. Of course, it was not directly implemented, but there was simply a long chain of bribes and frauds, which led to the fact that it was simply more profitable for athletes from Earth to lose. Earth has done everything to increase the survival of the human race. It wasn’t realized, but there was just a long chain of bribes and frauds, which led to the fact that it was simply more profitable for athletes from the Earth to lose. Earth has done everything to increase the survival of the human race. It wasn’t realized, but there was just a long chain of bribes and frauds, which led to the fact that it was simply more profitable for athletes from the Earth to lose. Earth has done everything to increase the survival of the human race.

    People were just wildly lucky that in the middle of the 22nd century, in all that wild slaughter of people, wise people came to power with each other. Tough and cruel, uniting the planet, they began the process of space exploration. It is incredible, but the fact is that human civilization with a trend back to the Stone Age suddenly abruptly, for 80 years this trend has unfolded sharply up. And real development has begun. Not satellites threw themselves into the orbits of the planets and the AMS were sent in batches, but the process of exploring space with the active use of the people themselves was going on. The earth created all the conditions for new settlements, except for one thing - only the Earth’s space fleet had military technology. The captain caught the reflection of the VKS emblem on his chest and grinned. Time flew so fast when at the age of 19 he applied for joining the videoconferencing system for the next set and spent the whole day at the main building of the Academy, waiting for the result of its consideration. Legs didn’t go anywhere, just sat and, hiding, hoping a little, waited. His girlfriend did not understand him that day and, under some pretext, left after 2 hours of waiting, but he could not even speak plainly. Just sat and waited. In the VKS, people were rarely recruited. VKS is not just a dream of youth, it is a perspective. After serving in the VKS, you can already count on the acquisition of a decommissioned warship, its re-equipment and independent study of the Universe. They paid well for mapping - these could not just live, but earn. And the higher your merits to the VKS, the greater the class of the ship could claim. “Own ship, i.e. generally own, really, ”the captain dreamed: “A couple of planets still have to be discovered, so you can swipe at the cruiser, damn it!” Although no - too cool, probably the destroyer will be that. Generations of the sixth. Not new, but ... "

    The captain's thoughts were interrupted by the assistant:
    - Captain, a call through a non-standard channel.
    - Non-standard? Is Nord Wind contacting us?
    “Captain ... the signal signature is unknown.”
    - What???
    “It looks like the signal is coming from the surface of this planet.”
    The captain turned sharply toward the viewing panel. A new planet stared at him majestically. Is it the Ray of Dawn? Or…

    After, in general, a positive perception of the story, as well as on leading questions from users, I thought about writing a short story (a continuation, addition to the current or a separate story of a similar theme and style). I have no experience of literary activity. Considering that such topics of the book exist and are being written (a typical example is the eve online universe, on the topic of which more than a dozen books have been written), it would be interesting to know the opinions of users regarding this venture. I myself with pleasure read fantastic novels, which sometimes flash on a habr.

    Why did I vote?
    There are two aspects. The fact is that I believe that the product of labor should be useful not only to you, but also to society. What is the point of doing something, being happy, putting it in a box and forgetting it? Yes, there is an aspect of gaining experience and awareness of what you can, but I would also like to spend the energy (time, resources) spent most effectively, i.e. Someone nevertheless used your product of labor. The second aspect is quite simple - if I make a commitment, I do it, if I don’t take it, I don’t do it, even if I were not opposed, because there’s always a bunch more to do. I kind of write something like this for a long time, but more necessary / urgent / interesting things are constantly being found. Those. the community is invited to kick me, in fact, but I graciously agree to the choice: they want it — they kick it, they don’t want it — well, it’s not necessary. Conditional threshold

    1) For some reason, the post could not be placed in the offtopic, although, it seems, under the conditions for me there should be no restrictions. If someone tells me how and much more correctly post thematically this post will be grateful.
    2) Please write about the errors found in the LAN, do not litter the comments. Of course, I checked everything 2-3 times, but it happens. Moreover, for myself I increasingly notice the problem of technical vision - in a word two letters are rearranged in places, but I do not see it, because on the subconscious or something they become as it should (an interesting thing turns out - this is all without using any coding technologies based on the redundancy of the original information, i.e. the redundancy should still be somewhere somewhere the error is corrected and it seems to be present at the subconscious level it turns out). I can “read it right” more than once :)
    3) The term of the survey is 10 days.

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