What features does a student need in a mobile phone?

    We work at the “University Schedule” company , we make mobile applications (iOS, Android, Windows Phone), in which the curriculum of students and teachers is published.
    For the spring semester, we set ourselves the task - to understand what else can be done in our application for students to increase its use. We thought of something from the very beginning, users asked us for something, well, and some ideas arose in the process.

    We proceeded from what we already have - the actual schedule, i.e. couples, time, names of teachers and class numbers, as well as from what students might still need.

    Below is a list of what we already have in our plans. What else do you think would be useful?

    First of all, this is a chat for the group. But if you think further, you can fantasize the whole IRC with chat channels that you can create by indicating the target audience: university, faculty, course; and topics: buy-sell, hangout, tuition, etc. We thought about a bulletin board, but in the end we came to the conclusion that such a chat system is more convenient.

    Share task
    Now it is possible to put the task to the couple, there to attach a picture and text. But for now, this can be done only for oneself. Many asked, and from the very beginning we aimed that there should be an opportunity to make these tasks common for the entire study group.

    Comments on the pair
    Perhaps this can be combined with tasks, or maybe done instead of them. In fact, just a field where you can leave a text comment about the past (or going) pair.

    Couple ratings
    You can like a couple. Likes of different users are summarized. In the future, you can make a rating system on this basis.

    Couples Reminder
    An alarm clock that automatically reminds you of the start of a pair in 5 minutes (the time can be changed in the settings). If possible, add automatic transition to vibration mode at the start of a pair.

    University reference
    Phone numbers, dean’s emails and the like. True, we will not be able to fill the content of such a section for each university anyway, but it is possible to provide such an opportunity to students or the university itself.

    University news and events
    Create a section in which the university’s news will be automatically broadcast in the form of headlines and announcement via RSS or parsing of the university’s twitter. For events, you can make a separate feed, or you can embed in the schedule itself (or news).

    Anonymous ads to a user or group
    The bottom line is that you can hang up an anonymous message in the group or individual user’s schedule tape. In this case, I would like not only text, but also a picture (sticker). If desired, not anonymously. We assume that this can be used, at a minimum, for congratulations on holidays. For example, Happy Valentine's Day.

    Card discounts
    There are several companies that aggregate student discounts (ISIC, ELKA). You can make a section where these discounts are displayed on the map.

    Work and internships
    After looking at a brief description of the vacancy or internship provided by the corresponding service, the student can send the details to his email. This can also include offers to study abroad.

    Among other things, we are currently working on the possibility of students self-editing the schedule and authorization. We came to the conclusion that without authorization, there is not much to be done with further development.

    Vote for the features described above - you can in our survey . And to share your own ideas - there or here, in the comments.

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