Apple AutoCAD 2014

    imageimageIt happened. Now the release schedule for AutoCAD for Mac is not related to the AutoCAD for Windows release cycle. From that moment, it is combined with the schedule of new releases of Apple devices and software, which allows you to take advantage of them and support major updates to Apple OS.

    Together with the presentation of new Apple products this time we released AutoCAD 2014 for Mac and AutoCAD LT 2014 for Mac. AutoCAD for Mac 2014 and AutoCAD 360 for the new iPad can be seen in the presentation of Apple's new products, for example, here and here .

    It is worth saying that three-dimensional models and drawings look great on a retina-display. About these and other innovations under the cut.

    So what's new:

    • AutoCAD 2014 for Mac and AutoCAD LT 2014 for Mac support the new Apple Mac OSX Mavericks OS
    • Retina display support: If you are using an Apple laptop or a computer that supports Retina display, get ready for a change that will make your eyes rejoice. For drawn lines, UCS, ViewCube on a high-resolution liquid crystal display, the pixel density will be quadrupled. Here are some examples of comparisons and screenshots (pictures are clickable):




    • ETransmit Support: For many years, AutoCAD, created under Windows, had a command to pack DWG files and related files for mailing or archiving a project. Now this tool is in AutoCAD 2014 for Mac and AutoCAD LT 2014 for Mac, it is called Package Drawing .image
Autodesk 360 support, including drawing synchronization
    • Change the print dialog
    • New Help System
    • …and other.

    Mika Dickerson, product manager for AutoCAD for Mac, offers some good overview videos:
    AutoCAD 2014 for Mac
    overview AutoCAD LT 2014 for Mac overview The

    full trial version , which lasts 30 days, is now available for download. A

    nice bonus: if you are an AutoCAD 2014 user for Windows or AutoCAD Design Suite, your serial number must be valid for downloading AutoCAD for Mac 2014.

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