ProDesk3D: the world's first desktop color 3D printer

    3D printers will not surprise anyone. There are both expensive and cheap models on the market, some of which are even capable of reproducing themselves. However, almost all 3D printers have one drawback: they do not work with different colors. Of course, you can make a figure / detail of any one color, but not a single desktop model has yet been able to create a multi-colored object. Now a 5-color desktop 3D printer has appeared, the name of which is indicated in the header.

    The device was created by BotObjects, which has long been working on this project. The printer turned out to be interesting even in appearance - no sticking out glands and plastic parts in sight, a nice aluminum case with a thoughtful design. It is worth noting that the company did not come up with any revolutionary approach. As with conventional color printers, a different color cartridge system is used. At the moment, 5 colors are available, the cartridges themselves can be reused (it is not yet reported how they are refilled).

    According to the manufacturers, the system is quite accurate, and after the manufacture of the part / object, all this will not need to be “finished” manually (for example, cutting off excess edges and parts). Printing accuracy - up to 25 microns. The company claims that it took about two years of work to create such a system.

    Unfortunately, you can’t buy a printer yet. On the manufacturer’s website there is no demo video where you can evaluate the operation of the printer. One must think that soon video and photos of the results of the printer will appear. If anyone is interested, then a more detailed description of the system can be found on the manufacturer's website .

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