Children's bioelectric prosthesis. Part 2

    For children, we make not just dentures, but bright game gadgets that are fun to use every day.

    Hand and forearm
    artificial limbs with individual design and additional attachments Hand and forearm injuries prosthetics with active KIBI active traction prostheses. The
    unique bright design of the prosthesis that is designed together with you brings joy and confidence.
    Using an active prosthesis trains and develops muscles, keeps them in tone, not allowing them to atrophy
    Suitable for children from 2 to 12 years

    Types of modern prostheses for children

    Only active traction prostheses are suitable for children due to their low weight, ease of operation and low cost (children's prostheses need to be changed annually as the child grows). Traction prostheses train and develop the muscles of the child and prepare to install a bionic prosthesis in the future.

    The procedure for the preparation and manufacture of prosthesis

    Measurement (remote measurement);
    Development of an individual model of the prosthesis according to the user's standards;
    Development of additional game and functional elements of the prosthesis;
    Prosthesis manufacture;
    Pre-assembly of the prosthesis;
    Manufacturing receiving sleeves;
    Final assembly of the prosthesis elements on the sleeve, debugging of the tension system;
    Extradition for trial use;
    Refinement of the prosthesis (if necessary);
    Issuance of prosthesis in permanent use.


    Bionic prosthesis “Stradivarius”
    An excellent modern assistant in life, which has the functionality necessary for performing daily activities


    Additional features

    The functionality of our modern prosthesis is constantly being improved and updated. Already, a mini-tag from Alfa-Bank is being built into the prosthesis, with which one can pay with one-touch in stores or public transport. For payment using technology PayPass.

    A flexible e-ink display can be installed in the body of the prosthesis, with which the user can monitor such parameters as: time, date, battery charge level, temperature on the surface of the body inside the sleeve, pulse, control mode of the prosthesis and much more.

    By the end of the year, it is planned to introduce voice control of operating modes and a gsm-module for making calls into the prosthesis.



    Operating temperature - from -10 to 40 ° C;
    Brush opening width - 110 mm;
    Time of full disclosure of the brush - 1.5 seconds;
    Brush grip force - 90 N;
    The weight of the brush in the shell - 480 g;
    Operating time - 48 hours;
    Full recharging takes 2 hours.

    Motility is a leader in the development and production of functional prosthetic hands for children and adults. Resident Skolkovo. Full cycle of "cyborgization" in the company Motorika:

    - We advise on the preparation for prosthetics;
    - We help to get funds for the purchase of a prosthesis in the FSS;
    - Create an individual design of the prosthesis;
    - We design and produce a model according to your standards;
    - Prosthetics in your area or in the Skolkovo Innovation Center;
    - We conduct training and rehabilitation with a prosthesis;
    - We do free repair and technical support.

    Leave a request for prosthetics:
    Toll-free phone +7 (800) 707-71-97

    Have any suggestions or ideas?
    Email us at

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