2 minutes with Bill

    imageIt just so happened, having been in Seattle, I was able to catch Gates during the next interview. He’s schedule is drawn every minute, so I had to go through several obstacles to ask a question. When Bill was heading to the airport, I managed to intercept him. (He flew by the way to the country of Antigua and Barbuda). And in 120 seconds I asked just a couple of questions, introducing myself as a journalist from Ukraine.

    I bring freely, as it was:

    I - Hello Bill! I am an journalist from Ukraine. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
    B - Sorry I am hurry.
    I'm Just a couple of ...
    B - Ok, Ok (this is pronounced on the go while Bill passes Seattle Airport)
    I'm - How do you see the software industry in future?
    B - We strive to ensure that programs run on every device where they could work. Including, user actions should not be sitting, they will be more mobile. (Free translation.)
    I am Bill, what is Microsoft's strategy for social networks and messenger systems. How do you plan to construct?
    B - (smiles) Now I am not dealing with these issues.
    I - But still, as you see Microsoft in the future.
    B - We want to make software wherever it can be useful. Sorry, I'm in a hurry.
    I - Thank you very much.

    Of course, the meeting with Bill itself prompted me to post. Concrete answers, as expected, did not follow.
    Just sharing what I managed to capture.

    PS I am writing from a mobile phone, therefore you are called for boring and possible mistakes.

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