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We at Google are very fond of learning new things, learning something, trying to figure out things that are little known to us. Curiosity and a craving for the unknown is what allows us to create new products that conquer the hearts of millions.
Very often, we invite famous and interesting people to our office who tell us what they are working on and also answer Google’s questions. Each Google employee can invite a speaker or propose an idea whom they would like to listen to.
Over the past two weeks, two wonderful guests have visited our office.
On Wednesday, August 31, on the eve of Knowledge Day, we invited Mikhail Gelfand, molecular biologist, geneticist, bioinformatics specialist, doctor of biological sciences, deputy director of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the faculty of bioengineering and bioinformatics at Moscow State University .
Michael spoke about what the science of bioinformatics does, what discoveries have been made recently, what work is being done.
In the spring, Boris Akunin came to us. There was a very interesting dialogue and discussion of his novels. We learned why, as a pseudonym, he chose the surname Akunin, which translates from Japanese as “evil person”, why his “Diamond Chariot” begins literally as “Captain Rybnikov's Headquarters” and does he see value in the development of the Internet as a writer and how citizen.
In the summer, we hosted Artemy Lebedev Studio almost in full force. The guys came to us for a tea tour of the office. We told them about how our office lives and how it feels to be a googler. Soon we plan to pay a return visit.
We also love to get out for walks - we walk around Moscow, get acquainted with Moscow streets and their history, and participate in quests. Sometimes we walk, but recently we rode a tram from Paveletskaya to the University, and Sergey Nikitin , a Russian historian, culturologist, member of the Russian Geographical Society, told us interesting facts about the places that we traveled.
Working at Google is incredibly fun. Every day you make a discovery for yourself! Remember to check and join our team.