ILab continues to receive ideas for the contest

    The competition of ideas held by the Innovation Laboratory continues. His first week passed, the first applications arrived. It’s too early to draw conclusions, but some clarifications need to be made.

    1. The competition lasts only a month, so it’s worth the haste to work on ideas. Voting will begin very soon.

    2. The competition of ideas concerns tablets, not smartphones. Please pay attention to this particular moment. It is clear that ideas for a smartphone can be suitable for a PlayBook, but it would be ideal and beautiful if this idea concerned a tablet.

    3. The degree and depth of the development of ideas at this stage is not as important as its innovativeness and commercial attractiveness.

    We remind you that applications are accepted at:

    The Expert Council of the Innovation Laboratory determines the contestants and puts them to the vote, which will be held on our Facebook page .

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