Top 5 regional portals

    Since I’m doing a regional project myself, which I’ll probably talk about in one of the posts, I was interested in how regional portals are developed in the vastness of our vast country.

    Having opened the section “ Cities and Regions ” in the LiveInternet` catalog, he selected projects made in the regions and focused mainly on the regional audience, making up such a TOP-5 regional portals .

    1) E1.RU (Ekaterinburg, domain registration date: 02.22.2000).

    With a decent margin from the rest, our Yekaterinburg portal occupies the first place, which I am incredibly happy ... Or not happy (?) ... The portal is really large and really very functional and useful, despite the mess of blocks, and the structure as a whole. It is worth noting the fact that, in my opinion, at least half of the transactions for the sale of used cars and real estate throughout the city is carried out through

    Average daily attendance: about 160,000 people a day. There are take-offs up to 200,000 per day - not bad for a regional portal, is it not?

    Design.It is difficult to call what is there design. But to be honest, I’m somehow used to it and can hardly imagine it in any other way. By the way, there is a small feature in the design of e1: earlier it had a different design (in bright orange shades), it was changed, but for some reason not in all sections of the site. We can observe the old design, for example, in the section “Car Sales”.

    Advertising. She actually hanged everything that could be hanged. And it costs very decently. The most expensive place is a banner on the main page on the right, size 240x400. It will cost you 64,900 rubles a week or 227,150 rubles a month, at a frequency of 50%! I would use that kind of money :)

    2) NHS (Novosibirsk, the date of registration of the domain: 11/05/1999).

    The NHS is very similar to our E1: the same services, the same mess of blocks on the main one and the same popularity. For some reason, it even seemed to me more understandable and more functional. Although the logo, nevertheless, does not interfere with updating :).

    Average daily attendance: about 120,000 people a day.

    Design. Frankly, I like it more than e1, but the logo doesn’t give rest at all, so I want to change it. It is worth noting that all the main sections are located on subdomains and have an individual design and structure - in fact, as separate sites. For example, the section "Real Estate".

    Advertising.NGS is not inferior in terms of banner hanging. The most expensive banner is a banner at the top of the screen. With a rotation of 100%, it will cost you 66,000 rubles a week and 198,000 rubles a month, with a rotation of 50%: 33,000 rubles a week and 99,000 rubles a month. Which is two times less than that of E1.

    3) FarPost (Far East, domain registration date: 04/05/1999)

    To my surprise, the third project is focused on the Far East ( Hello, Copernicus !). The main sections are: a bulletin board and a directory of sites - and by and large. By the way, I was also surprised when I learned that the site is directly related to the Far East, and in particular to the company that owns FarPost and several other projects.

    Average daily attendance: about 70,000 people a day.

    Design. In my opinion, the most understandable and pleasant design among the first three. Nothing flickers, eyes do not run away, it is immediately clear where what lies.

    Advertising. In comparison with the previous two at FarPost, it simply does not exist! And it costs a penny. The most expensive banner, 550 × 150 in size, will cost “only” 15,000 rubles per week of placement.

    4) Sibnet (Siberia, domain registration date: 04/04/1996)

    The first impression is a store or entertainment site — the structure of the site, the design of the felts does its job. The main block contains news, most of which are non-regional, although the site is focused on Siberia. The services are basically the same as those of the NHS and E1.

    Average daily attendance: about 45,000 people a day.

    Design. As I said, it reminds me of something. It was not very nice to see icons in the style of the end of 2002. The sections as well as the NHS have their own design, as an example, you can see the "Auto" or "News" section. But they did not differ in their special design.

    Advertising. Here Sibnet surpassed both E1 and NGS - a floating banner for such a large project ... to put it mildly, a dubious decision. I honestly got confused with the cost. It is indicated here that the cost of placing the “banner” is 20,000 rubles and at the same time the price of the CPM package: 20 rubles for 1000 impressions. And for what then actually 20 thousand rubles?

    5) Electronic city (Novosibirsk, domain registration date: 12/21/1999)

    The second representative of the glorious city of Novosibirsk. Unlike NHSs, the Electronic City focuses on "entertainment": games, films, blogs, forums. Despite the fact that attendance is many times less than that of NHSs, the impression is absolutely opposite. Most likely, this is due to the greater activity of the audience.

    Average daily attendance: about 35,000 people a day.

    Design. Modern, very convenient and understandable, although the font of the logo seems familiar to me :). I was very pleased with the location of the blocks on the main one - everything you need is accessible and noticeable at the first scrolling.

    Advertising.It, like on most other projects, is enough, but in the case of the Electronic City, for some reason it does not hurt the eyes and is not very distracting. The most expensive banner is a banner on all pages of the site, except the main one, its cost: 39,000 per week and 118,000 per month for placement. The same stretch on the main page will cost 29,000 per week and 90,000 per month.

    This is how the TOP-5 regional portals turned out.In general, until recently, in almost all regions, there was a clear monopoly of two, and most often one portal, which was a pioneer in this niche. But now competitors are beginning to appear, which make the "mastodons" a little nervous. This can be observed both in the example of Novosibirsk, where, as I understand it, the Electronic City began to develop later than the NHS, despite the domain registration, and in the example of our city, where a promising portal appeared a year or two ago , which is now very active develops and advertising which hangs "half the city." So you can and even need to compete with monopolists :).

    PS Looking through popular regional projects stumbled upon this siteIts average traffic is ~ 20,000 visitors per day. Where from? And why has no competitor yet?

    Via Kroha Jangl

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