Soviet CCP or how could it be

    If anyone does not know, the first PDA was invented in the USSR in 1988. Four years before the advent of Newton Notepad. Electronics MK-90 was not just a calculator: it had a built-in basic, game (tetris), and also other applications.

    Here, for example, is a photograph of a derivative MK-96 model with a running notebook.
    It was a pleasure of 1500 rubles in 1991!
    Electronics MK-90
    Year of production start: 1988.
    Price: 3500 rubles (1988), 1500 rubles (1991).
    File structure: simple BASIC.
    Memory: 16384 (11824 user RAM), ROM: 32768 bytes.
    Processor: 16-bit DEC-compatible processor based.
    Screen: Graphics LCD 120 x 64 pixels (20 x 8).
    Power: 4 x AA or Power adapter.

    The processor of the first Soviet PDA.

    And there were such and such:

    (straight laptop)

    Used materials and

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