Automated imposition of fines for abandoned garbage

    Unfortunately, some of the population of our country stubbornly ignores the call for accurate and cultural behavior on holiday outside the city. What are the first May holidays, I do not cease to be surprised by the abandoned mountains of garbage in the groves and nearby forests. And, unfortunately, there is no more effective way to influence the individual than the imposition of penalties for the act. This is what I propose to talk and fantasize below.

    Automated imposition of fines for abandoned garbage. Theoretically, nothing complicated, we need to somehow fix the packaging of some goods to the final consumer. Practically - the transition to non-cash payment is necessary, which, by the way, does not stand still. Now the cash register of any shop or even a stall in the suburbs is connected to the information network and has the ability to accept payment non-cash. The 2018 World Cup updated the bus fleet of Rostov-on-Don (I do not know how things are in other regions). In half of them modern validators, you can pay with a contactless credit card, the fare in this case is less. Any cashbacks and bonuses. Multi-level stimulation for the transition to cashless payments, the rejection of uncomfortable coins, accounting for everything and everyone, the path to a bright and beautiful future ... The

    subject area.. We divide the process into several stages, namely:

    • the stage of applying a unique code on the packaging of some goods during production;
    • the stage of purchase of a certain product by a villain consumer;
    • the stage of scanning by an employee of the municipal service of the abandoned package, in which this product was purchased by the consumer-villain.

    The stage of applying a unique code on the packaging during production. We need to fix the specific packaging for a specific consumer upon purchase. Of course, to put it mildly it is very strange to knock out the serial number on everyday consumer products. But there is nothing complicated about it, the legal framework must oblige the manufacturer to do this, and the manufacturer (packaging, labels) will add an additional labeling module to its production line so as not to lose speed. Yes, and mark the additional code, all products are not worth it. For the study of popular packaging will help us a lot of garbage in the grove, left on May Day. On the basis of this study, it is generally possible not to create any AIS, but simply impose some environmental fee on the manufacturer (which is most likely applied in practice). The code itself can be laid in eight characters, or even less.

    Stage of purchase of goods. At this stage, everything happens the same way as it does now, the store salesman scans the bar code from the packaging (it is possible that our additional code is scanned separately, as it is now happening with strong alcohol). The buyer pays with the card, an entry is added to the AIS database - Packing code / Card number. No personal data is required.

    The final stage . An outfit of communal cleaners is sent to the May Day trash heap, in the hands of these brave fighters for culture and cleanliness, mobile scanner terminals with GPS / GLONASS and a wireless data transmission module. Before sending the garbage to the bag, it is scanned, the code is matched to the base, and a compulsory banking transaction is created. Justice triumphed.

    You can endlessly play with the exclusion factors. For example, the activation of the operating mode of the terminal-scanner in a certain geographic area, so that the brave cleaner could not earn some money on a city dump. And certain types of packaging have not been stored in the database for a long time, it is unlikely that one and a half beer will stretch for several days. Thank.

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