PHP Digest No. 103 - interesting news, materials and tools (February 12 - 26, 2017)

We bring to your attention the next selection with links to news and materials.
Enjoy reading!
News and Releases
- PSR-11 Container Interface officially adopted
- PHP - the first language with modern cryptography in the standard package - About the recently accepted proposal to include the Libsodium library in the kernel since PHP 7.2.
- PHP 7.0.16 , PHP 7.1.2
- Updated ZCE - PHP Certification by Zend - Submitted by im_special_one .
- atoum 3.0.0 - Major update of the unit testing framework.
- ThirtyBees 1.0.0 - First release of the PrestaShop 1.6 fork .
- HHVM 3.18 - Fresh LTS release of an alternative PHP virtual machine from Facebook.
- RFC: list () Reference Assignment - A minor improvement for
allowing links to be used is accepted at voting :$array = [1, 2]; list($a, &$b) = $array; // Эквивалентно: $array = [1, 2]; $a = $array[0]; $b =& $array[1];
- wapmorgan / MediaFile - A library for reading metadata from audio / video files of various formats.
- Fistlab PHP Components - An initiative to develop commonly used components in various programming languages. The work started with PHP and the container , repository , database are ready .
- JWHennessey / phpInsight - A slightly abandoned, but interesting library for analyzing the tonality of the text. Alternative solution: mizterp / caroline .
- paragonie / PHP-Cookie - PHP 7 library for working with cookies safely. The topic is a post about using SameSite cookies to protect against CSRF.
- www.php-middleworld.com - Resource with a selection of PSR-7 compatible middleware components.
- php-ai / php-ml - Implementation of machine learning algorithms in PHP.
- miniflux / miniflux - Minimalistic RSS reader.
- phanan / kupo - Automated checklist for checking the site before launching.
- webonyx / graphql-php - Implementation of the GraphQL specification. Port of reference implementation in JavaScript graphql / graphql-js .
- sebastianfeldmann / phpbu - A tool for creating backup copies of files and databases. Able to encrypt backups and send to storage (Amazon s3, Dropbox, rsync, SFTP, FTP).
- web-push-libs / web-push-php - Implement the WebPush protocol for sending notifications to the browser.
- thephpleague / fractal - A library for transforming and outputting data in the API, a smart replacement
. Fresh tutorial on how to use.
Learning Materials
- symfony-bundles / json-request-bundle - A bundle for working with json requests as with regular requests.
- New in Symfony 3.3: Implementing a getter - An interesting experimental feature.
- Symfony Week # 529 (February 13-19, 2017)
- Symfony Week # 530 (February 20-26, 2017)
- Modules and extensions for Yii 2 from Zfort Group - Presented components: yii2-cart , yii2-comments , yii2-rbac and others.
Yii 2.0: Debug 2.0.8 Extension Release
- YiiPowered.com - Project Gallery on Yii. The code is available on GitHub .
Why not forget to explicitly complete nested transactions in Yii2 - Sent by haruatari .
Building and testing a REST API in Yii2
- imanghafoori1 / laravel-widgetize - Widgets for Laravel.
- Laravel Dusk Tutorial
- Laravel Group Authorization by Group
Laravel 5. Hierarchical RBAC for the smallest
- Implementing a Clean Architecture with PHP Examples - Application Code Available .
- About using RabbitMQ, PHP and Node.js
- We write asynchronous libraries in PHP - Tutorial on the example of the implementation of asyncphp / paper - asynchronous HTML to PDF converter.
- TDD Tutorial Using Sylius as Example - #Sylius , #Behat , #phpspec
- Awesome Doctrine - A selection of useful resources on Doctrine. Sent im_special_one .
- Testing Convention
- Debugging JavaScript and PHP at the same time in PhpStorm
- Using Zend-InputFilter
- About duck typing in PHP
- Design Patterns for People - Ultra simple explanation of patterns with examples in PHP.
- Performance PHP 5 vs PHP 7 vs PHP 7.1 vs PHP + JIT - Overview of performance improvements and synthetic tests.
“Hello, (real) world!” In php in 2017
PrestaShop. About glitch in layered navigation
The answer to an introduction to the design of entities, the problems of creating objects
Where do your ads live? / Avito Blog
Architecture of a growing project on the example of VKontakte
MySQL and MongoDB - when and what is better to use
Five-Minute PHP Issue No. 26 - Rust - We broaden our horizons and discuss the Rust programming language.
Thanks for attention!
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