Intel Photonics Link - Transferring Data at 50 Gb / s

The mere possibility of transferring data at such a speed is no longer such news — some companies have already exceeded this indicator of data transfer speed. However, it is not only and not so much the possibility of wired data transfer at a speed of 50 Gbit / s that is surprising, as the possibility of achieving such a result with a conventional optical cable. Yes, this technology is designed for ordinary “thin” optics, this is not a thick highway for you.
So, all this becomes possible thanks to the new Photonics Link module (very small size), which allows you to transmit data using laser beams. As a result, the throughput of the optical cable reaches an incredible value of 50 Gbit / s in this case. Agree, this is truly a unique achievement. Most likely, if this technology is introduced in the near future (and knowing Intel’s ability to promote its technologies, this will happen with a probability of 99%), other companies will urgently need to invent ultra-high-capacity storage media, because you need to record something like that somewhere amount of information, right?
But jokes, jokes, and this news is quite serious, because the official news about Photonics Link is published on the official Intel website. So far this is a prototype (but the prototype is quite workable, these are not 3D concepts for you, hundreds created by designers from all over the world), and after some time, developers are going to increase the productivity of their device by at least 20 times. Yes, they are going to reach an indicator of about 1 terabits per second - several laser modules that work “in conjunction” will be used at once.
It remains only to wish the developers success and most importantly - the rapid implementation of this technology. Unfortunately, at least the approximate cost of integrating such modules into a modern fiber optic network is still unknown. It is understandable - because what can we say about the cost of the product, if it is only a prototype? It can cost hundreds of dollars, but after reaching commercial production, the cost will decrease several times. In general, in three to four years we will transmit huge amounts of data in a matter of seconds. This can not but rejoice.
Oh yes, the official press release published by Intel is available at this address . There are photos and videos, and some additional information.